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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
RightsPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Deposits from giant floods in Gale crater and their implications for teh climate of early Mars.pdf.jpg5-Nov-2020Deposits from giant floods in Gale crater and their implications for the climate of early Mars.Heydari, E.; Schroeder, J. F.; Calef, F. J.; Van Beek, J.; Rowland, S. K.; Parker, T. J.; Fairén, Alberto G.
Location and settings of the Mars InSight Lander.pdf.jpg21-Sep-2020Location and Setting of the Mars InSight Lander, Instruments, and Landing SiteGolombek, M.; Williams, N. R.; Warner, N. H.; Parker, T. J.; Williams, M. G.; Daubar, I.; Calef, F. J.; Grant, J.; Bailey, P.; Abarca, H.; Deen, R.; Ruoff, N.; Maki, Justin N.; McEwen, A.; Baugh, N.; Block, K.; Tamppari, L. K.; Call, J.; Ladewig, J.; Stoltz, A.; Weems, W. A.; Mora Sotomayor, L.; Torres, J.; Johnson, M.; Kennedy, T.; Sklyanskiy, E.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg3-Nov-2020Photogeologic Map of the Perseverance Rover Field Site in Jezero Crater Constructed by the Mars 2020 Science TeamStack, K. M.; Williams, N. R.; Calef, F. J.; Sun, V. Z.; Williford, K. H.; Farley, K. A.; Eide, S.; Flannery, D.; Hughes, C.; Jacob, S. R.; Kah, L. C.; Meyen, F.; Molina, A.; Quantin Nataf, C.; Rice, M.; Russel, P.; Scheller, E.; Seeger, C. H.; Abbey, W. J.; Adler, J. B.; Amudsen, H.; Anderson, R. B.; Ángel, S. M.; Arana, G.; Atkins, J.; Barrington, M.; Berger, T.; Borden, R.; Boring, B.; Brown, A.; Carrier, B. L.; Conrad, Pamela G.; Dypvik, H.; Fagents, S. A.; Gallegos, Z. E.; Garczynski, B.; Golder, K.; Gómez, F.; Goreva, Y.; Gupta, S.; Hamran, S. E.; Hicks, T.; Hinterman, E. D.; Horgan, B. N.; Hurowitz, J.; Johnson, J. R.; Lasue, J.; Kronyak, R. E.; Liu, Y.; Madariaga, J. M.; Mangold, N.; McClean, J.; Miklusicak, N.; Nunes, D.; Rojas, C.; Runyon, K.; Schmitz, N.; Scudder, N.; Shaver, E.; SooHoo, J.; Spaulding, R.; Stanish, E.; Tamppari, L. K.; Tice, M. M.; Turenne, N.; Willis, P. A.; Aileen Yingst, R.