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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
RightsPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
AIP Conference Proceedings 2303.pdf.jpgDec-202010,000 h molten salt corrosion testing on IN617, uncoated and aluminide ferritic steels at 580 ºCAgüero, A.; Audigié, P.; Rodríguez, Sergio
Comparision between pilot and lab scale testing of aluminide coated and uncoated ferritic under oxy-fuel coal-thistle co-firing conditions.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2022Comparison between pilot and lab scale testing of aluminide coated and uncoated ferritic steels under oxy-fuel and coal/thistle co-firing conditionsGutiérrez, M.; Illana, Andrea; Bahillo, Alberto; Benito, Manuel J.; García Martín, G.; Pérez Trujillo, Francisco Javier; Agüero, A.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg24-Dec-2022Comparison of descaling methods to study the corrosion kinetics of ferritic steels after dynamic exposure to molten carbonatesAudigié, P.; Rodríguez, Santiago; Agüero, A.; Pedrosa, Fátima; Paiva, Teresa; Diamantino, Teresa C.
Laboratory intercomparison of solar absorptrance and thermal emittance measurements at room temperature.pdf.jpg14-May-2022Laboratory intercomparison of solar absorptance and thermal emittance measurements at room temperatureCaron, Simon; Herding, L.; Binyamin, Y.; Baidossi, M.; Vinetsky, Y.; Morales, Angel; Hildebrandt, C.; Reoyo Prats, R.; Faugeroux, O.; Agüero, A.; Rodríguez, Sergio; Sutter, Florian; Röger, M.; Manzano Agugliaro, F.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg15-Aug-2019Microstructural studies of the scale on Sanicro 25 after 25,000 h of oxidation in steam using advanced electron microscopy techniquesCempura, G.; Gil, A.; Agüero, A.; Gutiérrez, Marcos; Kruk, A.; Czyrska-Filemonowicz, A.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpgDec-2020Robust anti-icing superhydrophobic aluminum alloy surfaces by grafting fluorocarbon molecular chainsRico, V.; Mora, J.; García Gallego, Paloma; Agüero, A.; Borrás, A.; González Elipe, A.R.; López-Santos, C.
Thermal cyclic resitance and long term inter-diffusion properties of slurry aluminide coatings modified with Si.pdf.jpg15-Feb-2022Thermal cyclic resistance and long term inter-diffusion properties of slurry aluminide coatings modified with SiAgüero, A.; Landeira Ostergard, M. J.; Hansson, A. N.; Gutierrez, Marcos