Browsing by Author Martín, S.

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
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Discovery in space of ethanolamine, the simplest phospholipid head group.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2021Discovery in space of ethanolamine, the simplest phospholipid head groupRivilla, V. M.; Jiménez Serra, I.; Martín Pintado, J.; Briones, C.; Rodríguez Almeida, L. F.; Rico Villas, F.; Tercero, B.; Zeng, S.; Colzi, L.; De Vicente, P.; Martín, S.; Requena Torres, M. A.
Armijos-Abendaño_2020_ApJ_895_57.pdf.jpg26-May-2020On the Effects of UV Photons/X-Rays on the Chemistry of the Sgr B2 CloudArmijos Abendaño, J.; Martín Pintado, J.; López, E.; Llerena, M.; Harada, N.; Requeña Torres, M. A.; Martín, S.; Rivilla, V. M.; Riquelme, D.; Aldas, F.
Rivilla_2020_ApJL_899_L28.pdf.jpg19-Aug-2020Prebiotic Precursors of the Primordial RNA World in Space: Detection of NH2OHRivilla, V. M.; Martín Pintado, J.; Jiménez Serra, I.; Martín, S.; Rodríguez Almeida, L. F.; Requeña Torres, M. A.; Rico Villas, F.; Zeng, S.; Briones, C.
Propargylimine in the laboratory and in space- millimetre wave spectroscopy and its first detection in the ISM.pdf.jpg20-Aug-2020Propargylimine in the laboratory and in space: millimetre-wave spectroscopy and its first detection in the ISMBizzocchi, L.; Prudenzano, D.; Rivilla, V. M.; Pietropolli Charmet, A.; Giuliano, B. M.; Caselli, P.; Martín Pintado, J.; Jiménez Serra, I.; Martín, S.; Requena Torres, M. A.; Rico Villas, F.; Guillemin, J. C.
ast.2019.2125.pdf.jpg15-Sep-2020Toward the RNA-World in the Interstellar Medium—Detection of Urea and Search of 2-Amino-oxazole and Simple SugarsJiménez Serra, I.; Martín Pintado, J.; Rivilla, V. M.; Rodríguez Almeida, L. F.; Alonso Alonso, E. R.; Zeng, S.; Cocinero, E. J.; Martín, S.; Requeña Torres, M.; Martín Doménech, R.; Testi, L.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg25-Jan-2021Vibrationally excited HC3N emission in NGC 1068: tracing the recent star formation in the starburst ringRico Villas, F.; Martín Pintado, J.; González Alfonso, E.; Rivilla, V. M.; Martín, S.; García Burillo, S.; Jiménez Serra, I.; Sánchez García, M.