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Radiometric calibration targets for the Mastcam Z camera on the Mars 2020 Rover Misision.pdf.jpg3-dic-2020Radiometric Calibration Targets for the Mastcam-Z Camera on the Mars 2020 Rover MissionKinch, K. M.; Madsen, M. B.; Bell, J. F.; Maki, Justin N.; Bailey, P.; Hayes, A. G.; Jensen, O. B.; Merusi, M.; Bernt, M. H.; Sorensen, A. N.; Hilverda, M.; Cloutis, E.; Applin, D.; Mateo Martí, Eva; Manrique, J. A.; López Reyes, G.; Bello Arufe, A.; Ehlmann, B. L.; Buz, J.; Pommerol, A.; Thomas, N.; Affolter, L.; Herkenhoff, K. E.; Johnson, J. R.; Rice, M.; Corlies, P.; Tate, C.; Caplinger, M. A.; Jensen, E.; Kubacki, T.; Cisneros, E.; Paris, K.; Winhold, A.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg9-nov-2020Raman characterization of terrestrial analogs from the AMADEE‐18 astronaut simulated mission using the ExoMars RLS simulator: Implications for MarsLalla, E.; Konstantinidis, M.; López Reyes, G.; Daly, M. G.; Veneranda, M.; Manrique, J. A.; Groemer, G.; Vago, J. L.; Rull, F.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg23-ene-2020Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) calibration target design to allow onboard combined science between the RLS and MicrOmega instruments on the ExoMars roverLópez Reyes, G.; Pilorget, C.; Moral, A.; Manrique, J. A.; Sanz, A.; Berrocal, A.; Veneranda, M.; Rull, F.; Medina, J.; Hamm, V.; Bibring, J. P.; Rodríguez, J. A.; Pérez Canora, C.; Mateo Martí, Eva; Prieto Ballesteros, O.; Lalla, E.; Vago, J. L.
Raman semi-quantification on Mars, ExoMars RLS system as a tool to better comprehend the geological evolution of martian crust.pdf.jpg13-oct-2021Raman semi-quantification on Mars: ExoMars RLS system as a tool to better comprehend the geological evolution of martian crustVeneranda, M.; Manrique, J. A.; García Prieto, C.; Sanz Arranz, A.; Lalla, E.; Kostantinidis, M.; Moral, A.; Medina, J.; Rull, F.; Nieto, L. M.; López Reyes, G.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg12-jun-2021Raman spectroscopy and planetary exploration: Testing the ExoMars/RLS system at the Tabernas Desert (Spain)Veneranda, M.; López Reyes, G.; Manrique, J. A.; Sánz Arranz, A.; Medina, J.; Pérez, C.; Quintana, C.; Moral, A.; Rodríguez, J. A.; Zafra, J.; Nieto Calzada, L. M.; Rull, F.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg1-sep-2020RLS iOH: ExoMars Raman laser spectrometer optical head bread board to flight model design and performance evolutionsRamos, G.; Sanz Palomino, M.; Moral, A.; Pérez, C.; Belenguer, T.; Canchal, R.; Prieto, J. A. R.; Santiago, A.; Gordillo, C.; Escribano, D.; López Reyes, G.; Rull, F.
Manrique2020_Article_SuperCamCalibrationTargetsDesi (1).pdf.jpg26-nov-2020SuperCam Calibration Targets: Design and DevelopmentManrique, J. A.; López Reyes, G.; Cousin, A.; Rull, F.; Maurice, S.; Wiens, R. C.; Madariaga, M. B.; Gasnault, O.; Aramendia, J.; Arana, G.; Beck, P.; Bernard, S.; Bernardi, P.; Bernt, M. H.; Berrocal, A.; Beyssac, O.; Caïs, P.; Castro, K.; Clegg, S. M.; Cloutis, E.; Dromart, G.; Drouet, C.; Dubois, B.; Escribano, D.; Fabre, C.; Fernández, A.; Forni, O.; García Baonza, V.; Gontijo, I.; Johnson, J. R.; Laserna, J.; Lasue, J.; Madsen, S.; Mateo Martí, Eva; Medina, J.; Meslin, P.; Montagnac, G.; Moros, J.; Ollila, A. M.; Ortega, C.; Prieto Ballesteros, O.; Reess, J. M.; Robinson, S.; Rodríguez, Joseph; Saiz, J.; Sanz Arranz, J. A.; Sard, I.; Sautter, V.; Sobron, P.; Toplis, M.; Veneranda, M.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg1-feb-2020Systematic isotopic marking of polymeric components for in-situ space missionsMora, J.; García Sancho, Amador; Alonso, R.; Herrera, A.; Atienza, R.; López Reyes, G.; Sanz Arranz, A.