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dc.rights.licenseCopyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.es
dc.contributor.authorWebster, Christopher R.es
dc.contributor.authorMahaffy, Paul R.es
dc.contributor.authorAtreya, Sushil K.es
dc.contributor.authorMoores, John E.es
dc.contributor.authorFlesch, Gregory J.es
dc.contributor.authorMalespin, Charles A.es
dc.contributor.authorMcKay, Christopher P.es
dc.contributor.authorMartínez, Germán M.es
dc.contributor.authorSmith, Christina L.es
dc.contributor.authorMartín Torres, Javieres
dc.contributor.authorGómez Elvira, J.es
dc.contributor.authorPaz Zorzano, M.es
dc.contributor.authorWong, Michael H.es
dc.contributor.authorTrainer, Melissa G.es
dc.contributor.authorSteele, Andrewes
dc.contributor.authorArcher, Douges
dc.contributor.authorSutter, Brades
dc.contributor.authorColl, Patrice J.es
dc.contributor.authorFreissinet, Carolinees
dc.contributor.authorMeslin, Pierre-Yveses
dc.contributor.authorGough, Raina V.es
dc.contributor.authorHouse, Christopher H.es
dc.contributor.authorPavlov, Alexanderes
dc.contributor.authorEigenbrode, Jennifer L.es
dc.contributor.authorGlavin, Daniel P.es
dc.contributor.authorPearson, John C.es
dc.contributor.authorKeymeulen, Didieres
dc.contributor.authorChristensen, Lance E.es
dc.contributor.authorSchwenzer, Susanne P.es
dc.contributor.authorNavarro González, R.es
dc.contributor.authorPla García, J.es
dc.contributor.authorRafkin, Scot C. R.es
dc.contributor.authorVicente Retortillo, Álvaroes
dc.contributor.authorKahanpää, H.es
dc.contributor.authorViúdez Moreiras, Danieles
dc.contributor.authorSmith, Michael D.es
dc.contributor.authorHarri, Ari-Matties
dc.contributor.authorGenzer, Maríaes
dc.contributor.authorHassler, Donald M.es
dc.contributor.authorLemmon, M. T.es
dc.contributor.authorCrisp, Joyes
dc.contributor.authorSander, Stanley P.es
dc.contributor.authorZurek, Richard W.es
dc.contributor.authorVasavada, Ashwin R.es
dc.identifier.citationScience 360(6393): 1093-1096(2018)es
dc.description.abstractVariable levels of methane in the martian atmosphere have eluded explanation partly because the measurements are not repeatable in time or location. We report in situ measurements at Gale crater made over a 5-year period by the Tunable Laser Spectrometer on the Curiosity rover. The background levels of methane have a mean value 0.41 ± 0.16 parts per billion by volume (ppbv) (95% confidence interval) and exhibit a strong, repeatable seasonal variation (0.24 to 0.65 ppbv). This variation is greater than that predicted from either ultraviolet degradation of impact-delivered organics on the surface or from the annual surface pressure cycle. The large seasonal variation in the background and occurrences of higher temporary spikes (~7 ppbv) are consistent with small localized sources of methane released from martian surface or subsurface reservoirs.es
dc.titleBackground levels of methane in Mars’ atmosphere show strong seasonal variationses
dc.contributor.funderNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)es
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