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dc.rights.license© L. Perotto et al. 2020-
dc.contributor.authorPerotto, L.-
dc.contributor.authorPonthieu, N.-
dc.contributor.authorMarcías Pérez, J. F.-
dc.contributor.authorAdam, R.-
dc.contributor.authorAde, P.-
dc.contributor.authorAndré, P.-
dc.contributor.authorAndrianasolo, A.-
dc.contributor.authorAussel, H.-
dc.contributor.authorBeelen, A.-
dc.contributor.authorBenoit, A.-
dc.contributor.authorBerta, S.-
dc.contributor.authorBideaud, A.-
dc.contributor.authorBourrion, O.-
dc.contributor.authorCalvo, M.-
dc.contributor.authorCatalano, A.-
dc.contributor.authorComis, B.-
dc.contributor.authorDe Petris, M.-
dc.contributor.authorDésert, F. X.-
dc.contributor.authorDoyle, S.-
dc.contributor.authorDriessen, E. F. C.-
dc.contributor.authorGarcía, P.-
dc.contributor.authorGómez, A.-
dc.contributor.authorGoupy, J.-
dc.contributor.authorJohn, D.-
dc.contributor.authorKéruzoré, F.-
dc.contributor.authorKramer, C.-
dc.contributor.authorLadjelate, B.-
dc.contributor.authorLagache, G.-
dc.contributor.authorLeclercq, S.-
dc.contributor.authorLestrade, J. F.-
dc.contributor.authorMaury, A.-
dc.contributor.authorMauskopf, P.-
dc.contributor.authorMayet, F.-
dc.contributor.authorMonfardini, A.-
dc.contributor.authorNavarro López, Sara-
dc.contributor.authorPeñalver, J.-
dc.contributor.authorPierfederici, F.-
dc.contributor.authorPisano, G.-
dc.contributor.authorRevéret, V.-
dc.contributor.authorRitacco, A.-
dc.contributor.authorRomero, C.-
dc.contributor.authorRoussel, H.-
dc.contributor.authorRuppin, F.-
dc.contributor.authorSchuster, K.-
dc.contributor.authorShu, S.-
dc.contributor.authorSievers, A.-
dc.contributor.authorTucker, C.-
dc.contributor.authorZylka, R.-
dc.contributor.otherUnidad de Excelencia Científica María de Maeztu Centro de Astrobiología del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial y CSIC, MDM-2017-0737-
dc.identifier.citationAstronomy adn Astrophysics 637: A71(2020)es
dc.descriptionOpen Access article, published by EDP Sciences, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.es
dc.description.abstractContext. NIKA2 is a dual-band millimetre continuum camera of 2 900 kinetic inductance detectors, operating at 150 and 260 GHz, installed at the IRAM 30-m telescope in Spain. Open to the scientific community since October 2017, NIKA2 will provide key observations for the next decade to address a wide range of open questions in astrophysics and cosmology. Aims. Our aim is to present the calibration method and the performance assessment of NIKA2 after one year of observation. Methods. We used a large data set acquired between January 2017 and February 2018 including observations of primary and secondary calibrators and faint sources that span the whole range of observing elevations and atmospheric conditions encountered by the IRAM 30-m telescope. This allowed us to test the stability of the performance parameters against time evolution and observing conditions. We describe a standard calibration method, referred to as the "Baseline" method, to translate raw data into flux density measurements. This includes the determination of the detector positions in the sky, the selection of the detectors, the measurement of the beam pattern, the estimation of the atmospheric opacity, the calibration of absolute flux density scale, the flat fielding, and the photometry. We assessed the robustness of the performance results using the Baseline method against systematic effects by comparing results using alternative methods. Results. We report an instantaneous field of view of 6.5 ' in diameter, filled with an average fraction of 84%, and 90% of valid detectors at 150 and 260 GHz, respectively. The beam pattern is characterised by a FWHM of 17.6 '' +/- 0.1 '' and 11.1 '' +/- 0.2 '', and a main-beam efficiency of 47%+/- 3%, and 64%+/- 3% at 150 and 260 GHz, respectively. The point-source rms calibration uncertainties are about 3% at 150 GHz and 6% at 260 GHz. This demonstrates the accuracy of the methods that we deployed to correct for atmospheric attenuation. The absolute calibration uncertainties are of 5%, and the systematic calibration uncertainties evaluated at the IRAM 30-m reference Winter observing conditions are below 1% in both channels. The noise equivalent flux density at 150 and 260 GHz are of 9 +/- 1 mJy s(1/2) and 30 +/- 3 mJy s(1/2). This state-of-the-art performance confers NIKA2 with mapping speeds of 1388 +/- 174 and 111 +/- 11 arcmin(2) mJy(-2) h(-1) at 150 and 260 GHz. Conclusions. With these unique capabilities of fast dual-band mapping at high (better that 18 '') angular resolution, NIKA2 is providing an unprecedented view of the millimetre Universe.es
dc.description.sponsorshipWe warmly thank Attila Kovacs for his in-depth reading, constructive inputs and interesting discussions, which have contributed to improve the quality of the paper. We would like to thank the IRAM staff for their support during the numerous campaigns. The NIKA2 dilution cryostat has been designed and built at the Institut Neel. In particular, we acknowledge the crucial contribution of the Cryogenics Group, and in particular Gregory Garde, Henri Rodenas, Jean Paul Leggeri, Philippe Camus. This work has been partially funded by the Foundation Nanoscience Grenoble, the LabEx FOCUS ANR-11-LABX-0013 and the ANR under the contracts "MKIDS", "NIKA" and ANR-15-CE31-0017. This work is supported by the French National Research Agency in the framework of the "Investissements d'avenir" program (ANR-15-IDEX-02). We have benefited from the support of the European Research Council Advanced Grant ORISTARS under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (Grant Agreement no. 291294). We acknowledge financial support from the "Programme National de Cosmologie and Galaxies" (PNCG) funded by CNRS/INSU-IN2P3-INP, CEA and CNES, France. We acknowledge funding from the ENIGMASS French LabEx (F.R.), the FOCUS French LabEx doctoral fellowship programme (A.R.) and the CNES doctoral fellowship program (A.R.). R.A. acknowledges support from Spanish Ministerio de Economia and Competitividad (MINECO) through grant number AYA2015-66211-C2-2. M.D.P. acknowledges support from Sapienza Universita' di Roma thanks to Progetti di Ricerca Medi 2017, prot. RM11715C81C4AD67; With funding from the Spanish government through the "María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence" accreditation (MDM-2017-0737).es
dc.publisherEDP Scienceses
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectInstrumentation: photometerses
dc.subjectMethods: observationales
dc.subjectMethods: data analysises
dc.subjectSubmillimeter: generales
dc.subjectLarge scale strcuture of universees
dc.subjectISM: generales
dc.titleCalibration and performance of the NIKA2 camera at the IRAM 30-m Telescope.es
dc.contributor.funderAgence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)-
dc.contributor.funderEuropean Commission (EC)-
dc.contributor.funderMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)-
dc.contributor.funderCentre National D'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)-
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer reviewes
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