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Título : K2-111: an old system with two planets in near-resonance.
Autor : Mortier, A.
Zapatero Osorio, M. R.
Malavolta, L.
Alibert, Y.
Rice, K.
Lillo Box, J.
Vanderburg, A.
Oshagh, M.
Buchhave, L. A.
Adibekyan, V.
Delgado Mena, E.
López Morales, M.
Charbonneau, D.
Sousa, S. G.
Lovis, C.
After, L.
Allende Prieto, C.
Barros, S. C. C.
Benatti, S.
Bonomo, A. S.
Boschin, W.
Bouchy, F.
Cabral, A.
Collier Cameron, A.
Cosentino, R.
Cristiani, S.
Demangeon, O. D. S.
Di Marcantonio, P.
D´Odorico, V.
Dumusque, X.
Ehrenreich, D.
Figueira, P.
Fiorenzano, A. F. M.
Ghedina, A.
González Hernández, J. I.
Haldemann, J.
Harutyunyan, A.
Haywood, R. D.
Latham, D. W.
Lavie, B.
Lo Curto, G.
Maldonado, J.
Menescau, A.
Martins, C. J. A. P.
Mayor, M.
Mégevand, D.
Mehner, A.
Micela, G.
Molaro, P.
Molinari, E.
Nunes, N. J.
Pepe, F. A.
Pallé, E.
Phillips, D.
Piotto, G.
Pinamonti, M.
Poretti, E.
Rivas, M.
Rebolo, R.
Santos, N. C.
Sasselov, D.
Sozzetti, A.
Suárez Mascareño, A.
Udry, S.
West, R. G.
Watson, C. A.
Wilson, T. G.
Palabras clave : Techniques: photometric;Techniques: radial velocities;Spectroscopic;Planets and satellites: detection;Stars: individual;K2-111
Fecha de publicación : 27-oct-2020
Editorial : Oxford Academics: Blackwell Publishing
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa3144
Versión del Editor: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article-abstract/499/4/5004/5941522
Citación : Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499(4): 5004–5021(2020)
Resumen : This paper reports on the detailed characterization of the K2-111 planetary system with K2, WASP, and ASAS-SN photometry, as well as high-resolution spectroscopic data from HARPS-N and ESPRESSO. The host, K2-111, is confirmed to be a mildly evolved (log g = 4.17), iron-poor ([Fe/H]=-0.46), but alpha-enhanced ([alpha/Fe]=0.27), chromospherically quiet, very old thick disc G2 star. A global fit, performed by using PyORBIT, shows that the transiting planet, K2-111 b, orbits with a period P-b = 5.3518 +/- 0.0004 d and has a planet radius of 1.82(-0.09)(+0.11) R-circle plus and a mass of 5.29(-0.77)(+0.76) M-circle plus, resulting in a bulk density slightly lower than that of the Earth. The stellar chemical composition and the planet properties are consistent with K2-111 b being a terrestrial planet with an iron core mass fraction lower than the Earth. We announce the existence of a second signal in the radial velocity data that we attribute to a non-transiting planet, K2-111 c, with an orbital period of 15.6785 +/- 0.0064 d, orbiting in near-3:1 mean motion resonance with the transiting planet, and a minimum planet mass of 11.3 +/- 1.1M(circle plus). Both planet signals are independently detected in the HARPS-N and ESPRESSO data when fitted separately. There are potentially more planets in this resonant system, but more well-sampled data are required to confirm their presence and physical parameters.
Descripción : This article is published and distributed under the terms of the Oxford University Press, Standard Journals Publication Model (https://academic.oup.com/journals/pages/open_access/funder_policies/chorus/standard_publication_model)
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/400
E-ISSN : 1365-2966
ISSN : 0035-8711
Aparece en las colecciones: (CAB) Artículos

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