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JGR Planets - 2023 - Toledo - Dust Devil Frequency of Occurrence and Radiative Effects at Jezero Crater  Mars  as Measured.pdf.jpg17-ene-2023Dust Devil Frequency of Occurrence and Radiative Effects at Jezero Crater, Mars, as Measured by MEDA Radiation and Dust Sensor (RDS)Toledo, D.; Apéstigue, V.; Arruego, I.; Lemmon, M. T.; Gómez, L.; Montoro, F.; Hueso, R.; Newman, C. E.; Smith, M.; Viúdez Moreiras, Daniel; Martínez, G.; Vicente Retortillo, Á.; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; De la Torre Juarez, M.; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.; Carrasco, I.; Yela González, M.; Jiménez Martín, Juan José; García Menéndez, Elisa; Navarro, Sara; Gómez Elvira, J.; Harri, Ari-Matti; Polkko, J.; Hieta, M.; Genzer, M.; Murdoch, N.; Sebastián, E.
JGR Planets - 2023 - Mart nez - Surface Energy Budget  Albedo  and Thermal Inertia at Jezero Crater  Mars  as Observed From.pdf.jpgfeb-2023Surface Energy Budget, Albedo, and Thermal Inertia at Jezero Crater, Mars, as Observed From the Mars 2020 MEDA InstrumentMartínez, G. M.; Sebastián, E.; Vicente Retortillo, Á.; Smith, Michael; Johnson, J. R.; Fischer, E.; Savijärvi, H.; Toledo, D.; Hueso, R.; Mora Sotomayor, L.; Gillespie, H.; Munguira, A.; Sánchez Lavega, A.; Lemmon, M. T.; Gómez, F.; Polkko, J.; Mandon, Lucía; Apéstigue, V.; Arruego, I.; Ramos, M.; Conrad, Pamela G.; Newman, C. E.; De la Torre Juarez, M.; Jordan, Francisco; Tamppari, L. K.; Mcconnochie, T. H.; Harri, Ari-Matti; Genzer, M.; Hieta, M.; Zorzano, María Paz; Siegler, M.; Prieto Ballesteros, O.; Molina, A.; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.
Dust, sand and winds within an active martian storm in Jezero Crater.pdf.jpg16-nov-2022Dust, Sand, and Winds Within an Active Martian Storm in Jezero CraterLemmon, M. T.; Smith, M. D.; Viúdez Moreiras, Daniel; De la Torre Juarez, M.; Vicente Retortillo, Á.; Munguira, A.; Sánchez Lavega, A.; Hueso, R.; Martínez, Germán; Chide, B.; Sullivan, R.; Toledo, D.; Tamppari, L. K.; Bertrand, T.; Bell, J. F.; Newman, C. E.; Baker, M.; Banfield, D.; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.; Maki, Justin N.; Apéstigue, V.
Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover studies of the Martian atmosphere over Jezero from pressure measurements.pdf.jpg1-nov-2022Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Studies of the Martian Atmosphere Over Jezero From Pressure MeasurementsSánchez Lavega, A.; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, T.; Hueso, R.; De la Torre Juarez, M.; Martínez, G. M.; Harri, Ari-Matti; Genzer, M.; Hieta, M.; Polkko, J.; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.; Lemmon, M. T.; Pla García, J.; Toledo, D.; Vicente Retortillo, Á.; Viúdez Moreiras, Daniel; Munguira, A.; Tamppari, L. K.; Newman, C. E.; Gómez Elvira, J.; Guzewich, S. D.; Bertrand, T.; Apéstigue, V.; Arruego, I.; Wolff, Michael; Banfield, D.; Jaakonaho, I.; Mäkinen, T.