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Título : An XPS study of HCN-derived films on pyrite surfaces: a prebiotic chemistry standpoint towards the development of protective coatings
Autor : Pérez Fernández, Cristina
Ruiz Bermejo, Marta
Gálvez Martínez, S.
Mateo Martí, Eva
Palabras clave : XPS;HCN derived;Prebiotic chemistry
Fecha de publicación : 6-jun-2021
Editorial : Royal Society of Chemistry
DOI: 10.1039/D1RA02658E
Versión del Editor: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/ra/d1ra02658e
Citación : RSC Advances 33(11): 20109-20117(2021)
Resumen : Traditionally, the effect of mineral surfaces on increasing molecular complexity has been considered a major issue in studies about the origin of life. In contrast, herein, the effects of organic films derived from cyanide over an important prebiotic mineral, pyrite, are considered. An XPS spectroscopy study was carried out to understand the surface chemistry of the HCN-derived polymer/pyrite system. As a result, the simulation of a plausible prebiotic alkaline hydrothermal environment led to the identification of an NH4CN-based film with protective corrosion properties that immediately prevented the oxidation of the highly reactive pyrite surface. In addition, the effect of coating with antioxidant properties was preserved over a relatively long time, and the polymeric film was very stable under ambient conditions. These results increase the great potential of HCN polymers for development as a cheap and easily produced new class of multifunctional polymeric materials that also show promising and attractive insights into prebiotic chemistry.
Descripción : This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/521
E-ISSN : 2046-2069
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