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Título : The morpho-kinematical structure and chemical abundances of the complex planetary nebula NGC 1514
Autor : Aller, A.
Vázquez, R.
Olguín, L.
Miranda, L. F.
Ressler, M. E.
Palabras clave : planetary nebulae: individual: NGC 1514;ISM: kinematics and dynamics;– ISM: abundances
Fecha de publicación : 30-abr-2021
Editorial : Oxford Academics: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab1233
Citación : Monhtly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504(4): 4806–4816(2021)
Resumen : We present high-resolution, long-slit optical spectra and images of the planetary nebula NGC 1514. The position velocity maps of the [O III] emission line reveal complex kinematics with multiple structures. A morpho-kinematical analysis suggests an inner shell, originally spherical and now distorted by several bubbles, and an attached outer shell. The two well-defined, mid-infrared rings of NGC 1514 are not detected in our high-resolution, long-slit spectra, which prevented us from doing a kinematical analysis of them. Based exclusively on their morphology, we propose a barrel-like structure to explain the rings. Several ejection processes have been possibly involved in the formation of the nebula, although a time sequence is difficult to establish with the current data. We also analyse intermediate-resolution, long-slit spectra with the goal of studying the physical parameters and chemical abundances of NGC 1514. The nebular spectra reveal a moderate-excitation nebula with weak emission lines of [Ar III], [Ne III], He I, and He II. Neither [N II] nor other low-excitation emission lines are detected. We found an electron temperature around 14 000 K in the gas and an electron density in the range of 2000–4000 cm−3.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/736
E-ISSN : 1365-2966
ISSN : 0035-8711
Aparece en las colecciones: (CAB) Artículos

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