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dc.rights.license© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.es
dc.contributor.authorSor, Suthyvannes
dc.contributor.authorBardera, Rafaeles
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Magariño, A.es
dc.contributor.authorGonzález, Elenaes
dc.contributor.authorAguilera, Á.es
dc.identifier.citationFlow Measurement and Instrumentation 68: 101586(2019)es
dc.description.abstractThe characterization of the airborne microorganisms at different altitudes of the atmosphere is usually conducted by means of aerial platforms. It is very interesting to know the biological processes in the atmosphere. However, there are problems associated to the fact that sampling systems are embarked on an aircraft and the low presence of microorganisms at high altitude. A prototype of a new electrostatic filter for bioaersol flowmetering dedicated to biology investigations has been developed. This prototype was designed to be installed on board in aerial platforms of INTA. The experimental characterization of the aerodynamic flow was performed in order to investigate the behaviour of the filter when different air intake widths and different mechanical deflectors are employed. A combination of these impactor with the filters based on industrial electrostatic precipitator technology have been studied. Non-intrusive Particle Image Velocimetry technique has been used to measure the flow field inside the filter when it was running under controlled conditions in laboratory. This study is a first investigation on the flow field of filter for bioaerosol flowmetering to be embarked on an aircraft. The results show the influence of each parameter in the flow field that could be used for further investigations and designs.es
dc.description.sponsorship"This research has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness (MINECO), under project MICRAS (Scientific missions from manned and unmanned aerial platforms) CGL 2015–69758, by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under project “Desarollo e implementación de captadores biológicos atmosféricos de altitud: precipitadores electrostáticos de paso único embarcables en plataformas aéreas de investigación” CGL2017-92086-EXP and by the INTA internal project “Termofluidodinámica”."es
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/AEI/Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016/CGL2017-92086-EXPes
dc.subjectArial platformses
dc.subjectElectrostatic filteres
dc.subjectImpactor filteres
dc.titleCharacterization of an electrostatic filter prototype for bioaerosol flowmetering for INTA Investigation Aerial Platformses
dc.contributor.funderInstituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA)es
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