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aa38328-20.pdf.jpg17-nov-2020MUSE view of Arp220: Kpc-scale multi-phase outflow and evidence for positive feedbackPerna, M.; Arribas, S.; Catalán Torrecilla, C.; Colina, L.; Bellocchi, E.; Fluetsch, A.; Maiolino, R.; Cazzoli, S.; Hernán Caballero, A.; Pereira Santaella, M.; Piqueras López, J.; Rodríguez del Pino, B.
aa40190-20.pdf.jpg20-abr-2021Connecting X-ray nuclear winds with galaxy-scale ionised outflows in two z  ∼  1.5 lensed quasarsTozzi, P.; Cresci, G.; Marasco, A.; Nardini, E.; Marconi, A.; Mannucci, F.; Chartas, G.; Rizzo, F.; Amiri, A.; Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Dadina, M.; Lanzuisi, G.; Mainieri, V.; Mingozzi, M.; Perna, M.; Venturi, G.; Vignali, C.
MAGNUM survey Compact jets causing large turmoil in galaxies enchanced line widths perpendicular to radio jets as tracers of jet ISM interaction.pdf.jpg7-abr-2021MAGNUM survey: Compact jets causing large turmoil in galaxies Enhanced line widths perpendicular to radio jets as tracers of jet-ISM interactionVenturi, G.; Cresci, G.; Marconi, A.; Mingozzi, M.; Nardini, E.; Carniani, S.; Mannucci, F.; Marasco, A.; Maiolino, R.; Perna, M.; Treister, E.; Bland Hawthorn, J.; Gallimore, J.
aa39270-20.pdf.jpg16-feb-2021SUPER IV. CO(J = 3–2) properties of active galactic nucleus hosts at cosmic noon revealed by ALMACircosta, C.; Mainieri, V.; Lamperti, I.; Padovani, P.; Bischetti, M.; Harrison, C. M.; Kakkad, D.; Zanella, A.; Vietri, G.; Lanzuisi, G.; Salvato, M.; Brusa, M.; Carniani, S.; Cicone, C.; Cresci, G.; Feruglio, C.; Husemann, B.; Mannucci, F.; Marconi, A.; Perna, M.; Piconcelli, E.; Puglisi, A.; Saintonge, A.; Schramm, M.; Vignali, C.; Zappacosta, L.
Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA-aa39702-20.pdf.jpg16-feb-2021Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA: The PUMA project I. Properties of the survey and first MUSE data resultsPerna, M.; Arribas, S.; Pereira Santaella, M.; Colina, L.; Bellocchi, E.; Catalán Torrecilla, C.; Cazzoli, S.; Crespo Gómez, A.; Maiolino, R.; Piqueras López, J.; Rodríguez del Pino, B.