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Mostrando ítems 111-120 de 897.

Resultados por ítem:
DerechosVista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
aa37319-19.pdf.jpg31-ene-2020First detection of the 448 GHz ortho-H2O line at high redshift: probing the structure of a starburst nucleus at z = 3.63.Yang, C.; González Alfonso, E.; Omont, A.; Pereira Santaella, M.; Fischer, J.; Beelen, A.; Gavazzi, R.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg2-mar-2020Detection of Potential Lipid Biomarkers in Oxidative Environments by Raman Spectroscopy and Implications for the ExoMars 2020-Raman Laser Spectrometer Instrument Performance.Carrizo, D.; Muñoz Iglesias, V.; Fernández Sampedro, M.; Gil Lozano, C.; Sánchez García, L.; Prieto Ballesteros, O.; Medina, J.; Rull, F.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg1-nov-2020Effect of impact shock on extremophilic Halomonas gomseoemensis EP-3 isolated from hypersaline sulphated lake Laguna de Peña Hueca, SpainThombre, R. S.; Gómez, F.; Parkhe, R.; Kaur, K.; Vaishampayan, P.; Shivakarthik, E.; Sivaraman, B.; Perumal, R.; Mason, N.
aa39015-20.pdf.jpg15-oct-2020Spectroscopic characterization of the known O-star population in Cygnus OB2: Evidence of multiple star-forming burstsBerlanas, S. R.; Herrero, A.; Comerón, F.; Simón Díaz, S.; Lennon, D. J.; Pasquali, A.; Maíz Apellániz, J.; Sota, A.; Pellerín, A.
aa36205-19.pdf.jpg24-abr-2020The OTELO survey. Nature and mass-metallicity relation for Hα emitters at z ∼ 0.4Nadolny, J.; Lara López, M. A.; Cerviño, M.; Bongiovanni, Á.; Cepa, J.; De Diego, J. A.; Pérez García, A. M.; Pérez Martínez, R.; Sánchez Portal, M.; Alfaro, Emilio J.; Castañeda, H. O.; Gallego, J.; González, J. J.; González Serrano, J. I.; Padilla Torres, C. P.; Pintos Castro, I.; Povic, M.
aa38279-20.pdf.jpg10-ago-2020The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Variability of the He I line at 10 830 ÅFihrmeister, B.; Czesla, S.; Hildebrandt, L.; Nagel, E.; Schmitt, H. M. M.; Jeffers, S. V.; Caballero, J. A.; Hintz, D.; Johnson, E. N.; Schöfer, P.; Zechmeister, M.; Reiners, A.; Ribas, I.; Amado, P. J.; Quirrenbach, A.; Nortmann, L.; Bauer, F. F.; Béjar, V. J. S.; Cortés Contreras, M.; Dreizler, S.; Galadí Enríquez, D.; Hatzes, A. P.; Kaminski, A.; Kürster, M.; Lafarga, M.
Pressure optimized powEred respirator (proper)- A miniaturized wearable cleanroom and biosafety system for aerially transmitted viral infections such as COVID 19.pdf.jpg6-oct-2020Pressure Optimized PowEred Respirator (PROPER): A miniaturized wearable cleanroom and biosafety system for aerially transmitted viral infections such as COVID-19Nazarious, Miracle Israel; Mathanlal, Thasshwin; Zorzano, María Paz; Martín Torres, Javier
Atmospheric composition of exoplanets based on the thermal escape of gases and implications for habitability.pdf.jpg9-sep-2020Atmospheric composition of exoplanets based on the thermal escape of gases and implications for habitability: Atmospheric composition of exoplanetsKonatham, S.; Martín Torres, Javier; Zorzano, María Paz
ATMO-vent, an adapted breathing atmosphere for Covid 19 patients.pdf.jpg26-sep-2020ATMO-vent: An adapted breathing atmosphere for COVID-19 patientsMathanlal, Thasshwin; Nazarious, Miracle Israel; Mantas Nakhai, R.; Zorzano, María Paz
GALACTICNUCLEUS, a high angular resolution JHKs imaging survey of the Galactic centre III- Evidence for wavelenght dependence of the extinction curve in the near infrared.pdf.jpg24-sep-2020GALACTICNUCLEUS: A high angular-resolution JHKs imaging survey of the Galactic centre III. Evidence for wavelength-dependence of the extinction curve in the near-infraredNogueras Lara, F.; Schödel, R.; Neumayer, N.; Gallego Cano, E.; Shahzamanian, B.; Gallego Calvente, A. T.; Najarro, F.