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Mostrando ítems 141-150 de 897.

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JGR Planets - 2023 - Hueso - Convective Vortices and Dust Devils Detected and Characterized by Mars 2020.pdf.jpg10-feb-2023Convective Vortices and Dust Devils Detected and Characterized by Mars 2020Hueso, R.; Newman, C. E.; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, T.; Munguira, A.; Sánchez Lavega, A.; Toledo, D.; Apéstigue, V.; Arruego, I.; Vicente Retortillo, Á.; Martínez, G.; Lemmon, M. T.; Lorenz, Ralph; Richardson, M. I.; Viúdez Moreiras, Daniel; De la Torre Juárez, M.; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.; Tamppari, L. K.; Murdoch, N.; Navarro López, Sara; Gómez Elvira, J.; Baker, M.; Pla García, J.; Harri, Ari-Matti; Hieta, M.; Genzer, M.; Polkko, J.; Jaakonaho, I.; Makinen, Terhi; Stott, Alexander; Mimoun, D.; Chide, B.; Sebastián Martínez, Eduardo; Banfield, D.; Lepinette Malvitte, A.
Deposits from giant floods in Gale crater and their implications for teh climate of early Mars.pdf.jpg5-nov-2020Deposits from giant floods in Gale crater and their implications for the climate of early Mars.Heydari, E.; Schroeder, J. F.; Calef, F. J.; Van Beek, J.; Rowland, S. K.; Parker, T. J.; Fairén, Alberto G.
aa39114-20.pdf.jpg5-nov-2020Disc galaxy resolved in H I absorption against the radio lobe of 3C 433: Case study for future surveys.Morgantini, R.; Emonts, B. H. C.; Villar Martín, M.; Oosterloo, T.; Peletier, R.
Constraining the preservation of organic compunds in Mars analog nontronites after exposure to acid and alkaline fluids.pdf.jpg15-sep-2020Constraining the preservation of organic compounds in Mars analog nontronites after exposure to acid and alkaline fluids.Gil Lozano, C.; Fairén, Alberto G.; Muñoz Iglesias, V.; Fernández Sampedro, M.; Prieto Ballesteros, O.; Gago Duport, L.; Losa Adams, E.; Carrizo, D.; Bishop, J. L.; Fornaro, T.; Mateo Martí, Eva
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg1-abr-2020Early formation and recent starburst activity in the nuclear disk of the Milky Way.Nogueras Lara, F.; Schödel, R.; Gallego Calvente, A. T.; Gallego Cano, E.; Shahzamanian, B.; Dong, H.; Neumayer, N.; Hilker, M.; Najarro, F.; Nishiyama, S.; Feldmeier Krause, A.; Girard, J. H. V.; Cassisi, S.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg20-mar-2020Deconstructing double-barred galaxies in 2D and 3D – II. Two distinct groups of inner bars.De Lorenzo Cáceres, A.; Méndez Abreu, J.; Thorne, B.; Constantin, L.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg25-ago-2020Detection of a possible multiphase ultra-fast outflow in IRAS 13349+2438 with NuSTAR and XMM-Newton.Parker, M. L.; Matzeu, G. A.; Alston, W. N.; Fabian, A. C.; Lobban, A.; Miniutti, G.; Pinto, C.; Santos Lleó, M.; Schartel, N.
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acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg6-ene-2020Differential iron management in monocotyledon and dicotyledon plants from the Río Tinto basin.De la Fuente, V.; Rufo, L.; Rodríguez, N.; Ramírez, E.; Sánchez Gavilán, I.; Amils, R.
aa38551-20.pdf.jpg13-oct-2020SUPER II. Spatially resolved ionised gas kinematics and scaling relations in z  ∼  2 AGN host galaxiesKakkad, D.; Mainieri, V.; Vietri, G.; Carniani, S.; Harrison, C. M.; Perna, M.; Scholtz, J.; Circosta, C.; Cresci, G.; Husemann, B.; Bischetti, M.; Feruglio, C.; Fiore, F.; Marconi, A.; Padovani, P.; Brusa, M.; Cicone, C.; Comastri, A.; Lanzuisi, G.; Mannucci, F.; Menci, N.; Netzer, H.; Piconcelli, E.; Puglisi, A.; Salvato, M.; Schramm, M.; Silverman, J.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G.; Zappacosta, L.