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Mostrando ítems 151-160 de 897.

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stz3441.pdf.jpg27-dic-2020Spectral library of age-benchmark low-mass stars and brown dwarfsManjavacas, E.; Lodieu, N.; Béjar, V. J. S.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Boudreault, S.; Bonnefoy, M.
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aa37730-20.pdf.jpg10-abr-2020Spatially resolved spectroscopy of close massive visual binaries with HST/STIS I. Seven O-type systems.Maíz Apellániz, J.; Barbá, R. H.
aa37700-20.pdf.jpg13-jul-2020Variability of OB stars from TESS southern Sectors 1–13 and high-resolution IACOB and OWN spectroscopyBurssens, S.; Simón Díaz, S.; Bowman, D. M.; Holgado, G.; Michielsen, M.; De Burgos, A.; Castro, N.; Barbá, R. H.; Aerts, C.
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Lupus DANCe Census of stars and 6D structure with GAIA DR2 data.pdf.jpg16-nov-2020Lupus DANCe Census of stars and 6D structure with Gaia-DR2 dataGalli, P. A. B.; Bouy, H.; Olivares, J.; Miret Roig, N.; Vieira, R. G.; Sarro, L. M.; Barrado, D.; Berihuete, A.; Bertout, C.; Bertín, E.; Cuillandre, J. C.
Martínez-Paredes_2020_ApJ_890_152.pdf.jpg24-feb-2020Modeling the Strongest Silicate Emission Features of Local Type 1 AGNsMartínez Paredes, M.; González Martín, O.; Esparza Arredondo, D.; Kim, M.; Alonso Herrero, A.; Krongold, Y.; Hoang, T.; Ramos Almeida, C.; Aretxaga, I.; Dultzin, D.; Hodgson, J.
Armijos-Abendaño_2020_ApJ_895_57.pdf.jpg26-may-2020On the Effects of UV Photons/X-Rays on the Chemistry of the Sgr B2 CloudArmijos Abendaño, J.; Martín Pintado, J.; López, E.; Llerena, M.; Harada, N.; Requeña Torres, M. A.; Martín, S.; Rivilla, V. M.; Riquelme, D.; Aldas, F.
aa36536-19.pdf.jpg29-ene-2020Tracing shock type with chemical diagnostics An application to L1157James, T. A.; Viti, S.; Holdship, J.; Jiménez Serra, I.
Physiological plasticity of high-temperature intertidal cyanobacterial microbial mats to temperature and salinity  daily and seasonal in situ photosyn.pdf.jpg8-ene-2020Physiological plasticity of high-temperature intertidal cyanobacterial microbial mats to temperature and salinity: daily and seasonal in situ photosynthetic performanceAguilera, Á.; Suominen, S.; Pétursdóttir, S.; Olgudóttir, E.; Gudmundsdottir, E. E.; Altamirano, M.; González Toril, Elena; Hreggvidsson, G. O.