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aa40724-21.pdf.jpg11-ago-2021K-band GRAVITY/VLTI interferometry of “extreme” Herbig Be stars. The size–luminosity relation revisitedMarcos Arenal, P.; Mendigutía, I.; Koumpia, E.; Oudmaijer, R. D.; Vioque, M.; Guzmán Díaz, J.; Wichittanakom, C.; De Wit, W. J.; Montesinos, B.; Ilee, J. D.
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acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg26-feb-2018Kinetic and chemorheological modelling of the polymerization of 2,4- Toluenediisocyanate and ferrocene-functionalized hydroxyl-terminated polybutadieneLucio, B.; De la Fuente, J. L.
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Laboratory intercomparison of solar absorptrance and thermal emittance measurements at room temperature.pdf.jpg14-may-2022Laboratory intercomparison of solar absorptance and thermal emittance measurements at room temperatureCaron, Simon; Herding, L.; Binyamin, Y.; Baidossi, M.; Vinetsky, Y.; Morales, Angel; Hildebrandt, C.; Reoyo Prats, R.; Faugeroux, O.; Agüero, A.; Rodríguez, Sergio; Sutter, Florian; Röger, M.; Manzano Agugliaro, F.
Lander and rover histories of dust accumulation on and removal from solar arrays on Mars.pdf.jpg1-nov-2021Lander and rover histories of dust accumulation on and removal from solar arrays on MarsLorenz, R. D.; Martínez, G. M.; Spiga, A.; Vicente Retortillo, Á.; Newman, C. E.; Murdoch, N.; Forget, F.; Millour, E.; Pierron, T.
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acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg25-ene-2007Liquid-crystal variable retarders for aerospace polarimetry applicationsLópez Heredero, R.; Uribe Patarroyo, N.; Belenguer, T.; Ramos, G.; Sánchez, A.; Reina, M.; Martínez Pillet, V.; Álvarez Herrero, A.
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Little parks effect governed by magnetic nanostructures with out of plane magnetization.pdf.jpg25-jun-2020Little–Parks effect governed by magnetic nanostructures with out-of-plane magnetizationDe Ory, M. C.; Rollano, V.; Gómez, A.; Menghini, M.; Muñoz Noval, A.; González, E. M.; Vicent, J. L.
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acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg1-feb-2015Lock-in amplifiers for AMR sensorsDíaz Michelena, M.; Cobos, P.; Aroca, C.
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PhysRevX.11.021025.pdf.jpg30-abr-2021Long-Range Cooperative Disassembly and Aging During Adenovirus UncoatingMartín González, N.; Ibáñez Freire, P.; Ortega Esteban, Á.; Laguna Castro, M.; San Martín, C.; Valbuena, A.; Delgado Buscaloni, R.; De Pablo, P. J.