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Título : Match observations in the Arctic winter 1996/97: High stratospheric ozone loss rates correlate with low temperatures deep inside the polar vortex
Autor : Schulz, Astrid
Rex, Markus
Steger, J.
Harris, Neil R. P.
Braathen, Geir O.
Reimer, E.
Alfier, R.
Beck, A.
Alpers, Matthias
Cisneros Sanchiz, Juan María
Claude, H.
De Backer, Hugo
Dier, Horst
Dorokhov, Valery
Fast, Hans
Godin, Sophie
Hansen, Georg
Kanzawa, Hiroshi
Kois, Bogumil
Kondo, Yutaka
Kosmidis, Evangelos
Kyrö, Esko
Litynska, Z.
Molyneux, M. J.
Murphy, Gerry
Nakane, Hideaki
Parrondo Sempere, María Concepción
Ravegnani, Fabrizio
Varotsos, Costas
Vialle, C.
Viatte, P.
Yushkov, Vladimir
Zerefos, Christos S.
Gathen, Peter von der
Palabras clave : Stratospheric ozone;Low temperatures;Polar vortex
Fecha de publicación : 15-ene-2020
Editorial : American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1029/1999GL010811
Versión del Editor: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/1999GL010811
Citación : Geophysical Research Letters. 2000, 27(2), p. 205-208
Resumen : With the Match technique, which is based on the coordinated release of ozonesondes, chemical ozone loss rates in the Arctic stratospheric vortex in early 1997 have been quantified in a vertical region between 400 K and 550 K. Ozone destruction was observed from mid February to mid March in most of these levels, with maximum loss rates between 25 and 45ppbv/day. The vortex averaged loss rates and the accumulated vertically integrated ozone loss have been smaller than in the previous two winters, indicating that the record low ozone columns observed in spring 1997 were partly caused by dynamical effects. The observed ozone loss is inhomogeneous through the vortex with the highest loss rates located in the vortex centre, coinciding with the lowest temperatures. Here the loss rates per sunlit hour reached 6 ppbv/h, while the corresponding vortex averaged rates did not exceed 3.9 ppbv/h.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/1036
E-ISSN : 1944-8007
ISSN : 0094-8276
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