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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 160
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Future space experiment platforms for astrobiology and astrochemistry research.pdf.jpg12-jun-2023Future space experiment platforms for astrobiology and astrochemistry researchElsaesser, Andreas; Burr, David J.; Mabey, Paul; Urso, Riccardo Giovanni; Billi, Daniela; Cockell, Charles S.; Cottin, Hervé; Kish, Adrienne; Leys, Natalie; Van Loon, Jack J. W. A.; Mateo Martí, Eva; Moissl-Eichinger, Christine; Onofri, Silvano; Quinn, Richard C.; Rabbow, Elke; Rettberg, Petra; De la Torre Noetzel, R.; Slenzka, Klaus; Ricco, Antonio J.; De Vera, Jean Pierre; Westall, Frances
2005 The September 2002 Antarctic vortex major warming as observed by yela etal.pdf.jpgago-2005The September 2002 Antarctic vortex major warming as observed by visible spectroscopy and ozone soundingsYela González, M.; Parrondo Sempere, María Concepción; Gil Moulet, Manuel; Rodríguez, S.; Araujo, J.; Ochoa, H.; Deferrari, Guillermo Alejandro; Diaz, Susana Beatriz
Journal of Geophysical Research  Atmospheres - 2002 - Rex - Chemical depletion of Arctic ozone in winter 1999 2000.pdf.jpg20-sep-2002Chemical depletion of Arctic ozone in winter 1999/2000Rex, Markus; Salawitch, R. J.; Harris, Neil R. P.; Gathen, Peter von der; Braathen, Geir O.; Schulz, Astrid; Deckelmann, H.; Chipperfield, M.; Sinnhuber, B. M.; Reimer, E.; Alfier, R.; Bevilacqua, R.; Hoppel, K.; Fromm, M.; Lumpe, J.; Küllmann, H.; Kleinböhl, A.; Bremer, H.; Von König, M.; Künzi, K.; Toohey, D.; Vömel, H.; Richard, E.; Aikin, K.; Jost, H.; Greenblatt, J. B.; Loewenstein, M.; Podolske, J. R.; Webster, Christopher R.; Flesch, G. J.; Scott, D. C.; Herman, R. L.; Elkins, J. W.; Ray, E. A.; Moore, F. L.; Hurst, D. F.; Romashkin, P.; Toon, G. C.; Sen, B.; Margitan, J. J.; Wennberg, P.; Neuber, R.; Allart, M.; Bojkov, B. R.; Claude, H.; Davies, J.; Davies, W.; De Backer, H.; Dier, H.; Dorokhov, Valery; Fast, H.; Kondo, Y.; Kyrö, E.; Litynska, Z.; Mikkelsen, I. S.; Molyneux, M. J.; Moran, E.; Nagai, T.; H. Nakane; Parrondo Sempere, María Concepción; Ravegnani, Fabrizio; Skrivánková, Pavla; Viatte, P.; Yushkov, Vladimir
Schulz_2001JGRSE.pdf.jpg1-abr-2001Arctic ozone loss in threshold conditions: Match observations in 1997/1998 and 1998/1999Schulz, Astrid; Rex, Markus; Harris, Neil R. P.; Braathen, Geir O.; Reimer, E.; Alfier, R.; Kilbane Dawe, Iarla; Eckermann, Stephen; Allaart, Marc; Alpers, Matthias; Bojkov, B; Cisneros Sanchiz, Juan María; Claude, H.; Cuevas Agulló, Emilio; Davies, Jonathan; Backer, Hugo de; Dier, Horst; Dorokhov, Valery; Fast, Hans; Godin, Sophie; Johnson, B. J.; Kois, Bogumil; Kondo, Yutaka; Kosmidis, Evangelos; Kyrö, Esko; Litynska, Z.; Mikkelsen, I. S.; Molyneux, M. J.; Murphy, Gerry; Nagai, T.; Nakane, Hideaki; O'Connor, Fiona M.; Parrondo Sempere, María Concepción; Schmidlin, Frank J.; Skrivánková, Pavla; Varotsos, Costas; Vialle, C.; Viatte, P.; Yushkov, Vladimir; Zerefos, Christos S.; Gathen, Peter von der
Geophysical Research Letters - 2000 - Schulz - Match observations in the Arctic winter 1996 97  High stratospheric ozone.pdf.jpg15-ene-2020Match observations in the Arctic winter 1996/97: High stratospheric ozone loss rates correlate with low temperatures deep inside the polar vortexSchulz, Astrid; Rex, Markus; Steger, J.; Harris, Neil R. P.; Braathen, Geir O.; Reimer, E.; Alfier, R.; Beck, A.; Alpers, Matthias; Cisneros Sanchiz, Juan María; Claude, H.; De Backer, Hugo; Dier, Horst; Dorokhov, Valery; Fast, Hans; Godin, Sophie; Hansen, Georg; Kanzawa, Hiroshi; Kois, Bogumil; Kondo, Yutaka; Kosmidis, Evangelos; Kyrö, Esko; Litynska, Z.; Molyneux, M. J.; Murphy, Gerry; Nakane, Hideaki; Parrondo Sempere, María Concepción; Ravegnani, Fabrizio; Varotsos, Costas; Vialle, C.; Viatte, P.; Yushkov, Vladimir; Zerefos, Christos S.; Gathen, Peter von der
s43247-024-01878-7.pdf.jpg20-nov-2024Drying of the Martian mesosphere during aphelion induced by lower temperaturesToledo, D.; Rannou, P.; Apéstigue, V.; Rodríguez Veloso, Raúl; Arruego, I.; Martínez, Germán M.; Tamppari, L. K.; Munguira, A.; Lorenz, Ralph; Stcherbinine, Aurélien; Montmessin, F.; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Patel, P.; Smith, Michael D.; Lemmon, M. T.; Vicente Retortillo, Álvaro; Newman, C. E.; Viúdez Moreiras, Daniel; Hueso, R.; Bertrand, T.; Pla García, J.; Yela González, M.; De la Torre Juárez, M.; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.
remotesensing-16-03914-v3.pdf.jpg21-oct-2024Ozone Detector Based on Ultraviolet Observations on the Martian SurfaceViúdez Moreiras, Daniel; Saiz López, A.; Smith, Michael D.; Apéstigue, V.; Arruego, I.; García Menéndez, Elisa; Jiménez Martín, J.; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.; Toledo, D.; Wolff, M.; Paz Zorzano, M.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg10-oct-2022Magnetic Characterization of Permalloy Nanodome Surfaces on Flexible PEEK/TiO2 Vertical Nanotubes CompositesMartín Rubio, C.; Rivelles García, Alejandro; Schneider, Marc; Del Hoyo, J. C.; Privitera, V.; Worgull, M.
s10874-015-9320-6.pdf.jpg5-oct-2015A nocturnal atmospheric loss of CH2I2 in the remote marine boundary layerOuyang, Bin; Jones, Roderic L.; Carpenter, Lucy J.; Andrews, Stephen J.; Lidster, Richard T.; Saiz López, A.; Fernández Sánchez, Miguel; Blosss, William J.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg6-ene-2024Greenhouse gases in the tall tower of El Arenosillo station in Southwestern Europe: First-year of measurementsAdame, J. A.; Padilla, Rubén; Gutiérrez Álvarez, I.; Bogeat, José Antonio; López, Alfonso; Yela González, M.
The sound of a Martian dust devil.pdf.jpg13-dic-2022The sound of a Martian dust devilMurdoch, N.; Stott, A. E.; Gillier, M.; Hueso, R.; Lemmon, M. T.; Martínez, Germán M.; Apéstigue, V.; Toledo, D.; Lorenz, R. D.; Chide, B.; Munguira, A.; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Vicente Retortillo, Álvaro; Newman, C. E.; Maurice, S.; De la Torre Juárez, M.; Bertrand, T.; Banfield, D.; Navarro López, Sara; Marín, M.; Torres, J.; Gómez Elvira, J.; Jacob, Xavier; Cadu, A.; Sournac, A.; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.; Mimoun, D.
Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of Aerosol Optical depth observed by MEDAS-TIRS at Jezero Crater, Mars.pdf.jpg9-ene-2023Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of Aerosol Optical Depth Observed by MEDA/TIRS at Jezero Crater, MarsSmith, Michael D.; Martínez, Germán M.; Sebastián, E.; Lemmon, M. T.; Wolff, M. J.; Apéstigue, V.; Arruego, I.; Toledo, D.; Viúdez Moreiras, Daniel; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.; De la Torre Juárez, M.
A noctural atmospheric loss of CH2 I2 in the remote marine boundary layer.pdf.jpg5-oct-2015A nocturnal atmospheric loss of CH2I2 in the remote marine boundary layerCarpenter, Lucy J.; Andrews, Stephen J.; Lidster, Richard T.; Saiz López, A.; Fernández Sánchez, Miguel; Blosss, William J.; Ouyang, Bin; Jones, Roderic L.
Using the Perseverance MEDA-RDS to identify and track dust devils and dust-lifting gust fronts.pdf.jpg11-oct-2023Using the Perseverance MEDA-RDS to identify and track dust devils and dust-lifting gust frontsToledo, D.; Apéstigue, V.; Martínez Oter, J.; Franchi, Fulvio; Serrano, F.; Yela González, M.; De la Torre Juárez, M.; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.; Arruego, I.
Dust lifting through surface albedo changes at Jerezo Crater, Mars.pdf.jpg22-mar-2023Dust Lifting Through Surface Albedo Changes at Jezero Crater, MarsVicente Retortillo, Álvaro; Martínez, Germán M.; Lemmon, M. T.; Hueso, R.; Johnson, J. R.; Sullivan, Robert; Newman, C. E.; Sebastián, E.; Toledo, D.; Apéstigue, V.; Arruego, I.; Munguira, A.; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Murdoch, N.; Gillier, M.; Stott, A.; Mora Sotomayor, L.; Bertrand, T.; Tamppari, L. K.; De la Torre Juárez, M.; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.
The Uranus multi-experiment radiometer for Haze and clouds characterization.pdf.jpg9-ene-2024The Uranus Multi-Experiment Radiometer for Haze and Clouds CharacterizationApéstigue, V.; Toledo, D.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Rannou, P.; Gonzalo Melchor, Alejandro; Martínez Oter, J.; Ceballos Cáceres, J.; Azcue, J.; Jiménez, J. J.; Sebastián, E.; Yela González, M.; Sorribas, M.; De Mingo, J. R.; Martín Ortega, A.; Belenguer Dávila, T.; Álvarez, Maite; Vázquez García de la Vega, D.; Espejo, S.; Arruego, I.
Asymmetrical magnetization processes induced by compositional gradients in ferromagnetic nanowires.pdf.jpg16-ene-2024Asymmetrical magnetization processes induced by compositional gradients in ferromagnetic nanowiresFernández González, Claudia; Berja, Alba; Álvaro Gómez, Laura; Martín Rubio, C.; Mascaraque, Arantzazu; Aballe, Lucía; Sanz, Ruy; Pérez, L.; Ruiz Gómez, Sandra
Time domain simulation of common mode ferrite chokes at system level.pdf.jpg11-sep-2023Time Domain Simulation of Common Mode Ferrite Chokes at System LevelGascón Bravo, Alberto; García, S. G.; Muñoz Manterola, Alejandro; Añón Cancela, M.; Moreno, Roberto; Tekbaş, Kenan; Angulo, L. D.
Uncertainty budget in microwave high-power testing.pdf.jpg22-sep-2023Uncertainty budget in microwave high-power testingGarcía Patrón Mendiburu, Martín; Rodríguez, Manuel; Ruiz Cruz, Jorge A.; Montero, Isabel
A subcell finite-difference time-domain implementation for narrow slots on conductive panels.pdf.jpg3-ago-2023A Subcell Finite-Difference Time-Domain Implementation for Narrow Slots on Conductive PanelsRuiz Cabello Núñez, M. D.; Martín Valverde, A. J.; Plaza Gallardo, B.; Frövel, M.; Poyatos Martínez, D.; Rubio Bretones, Amelia; Gascón Bravo, Alberto; García, S. G.
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 160