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Título : Asymmetrical magnetization processes induced by compositional gradients in ferromagnetic nanowires
Autor : Fernández González, Claudia
Berja, Alba
Álvaro Gómez, Laura
Martín Rubio, C.
Mascaraque, Arantzazu
Aballe, Lucía
Sanz, Ruy
Pérez, L.
Ruiz Gómez, Sandra
Palabras clave : Electrodeposition;Nanowires;Ratchet effect;Magnetization processes
Fecha de publicación : 16-ene-2024
Editorial : Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.115970
Versión del Editor: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359646224000058
Citación : Scripta Materialia 243: 115970(2024)
Resumen : Electrodeposited nanowires are an excellent scenario to study and control magnetic domain wall motion in nanostructures. In particular, the introduction of local changes in composition during the growth procedure has been proven to be very efficient for controlling the magnetization dynamics. In this work, we show the possibility of introducing compositional gradients in FeNi electrodeposited nanowires by gradually changing the Fe/Ni ratio along their axis. These compositional gradients produce an asymmetrical landscape for domain wall motion which is reflected in asymmetrical magnetization processes under an applied magnetic field. By studying nanowires with different compositional gradients we were able to correlate composition and magnetic asymmetry. Our results pave the way towards full control of the movement of domain walls along the nanowires.
Descripción : Received 7 July 2023, Revised 6 December 2023, Accepted 4 January 2024, Available online 16 January 2024, Version of Record 16 January 2024.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/965
ISSN : 1359-6462
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