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Title: A New Candidate Luminous Blue Variable
Authors: Figer, D. F.
Najarro, F.
Messineo, M.
Clark, J. S.
Menten, K. M.
Keywords: Luminous blue variable stars;Stellar evolution;Massive stars;Supergiant stars;Stellar mass loss
Issue Date: 23-Sep-2020
Publisher: The Institute of Physics (IOP)
DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/abb704
Published version:
Citation: The Astrophysical Journal 901(1): L15(2020)
Abstract: We identify IRAS 16115-5044, which was previously classified as a protoplanetary nebula (PPN), as a candidate luminous blue variable (LBV). The star has high luminosity (greater than or similar to 10(5.75)L), ensuring supergiant status, has a temperature similar to LBVs, is photometrically and spectroscopically variable, and is surrounded by warm dust. Its near-infrared spectrum shows the presence of several lines of Hi, Hei, Feii, Fe [ii], Mgii, and Naiwith shapes ranging from pure absorption and P Cygni profiles to full emission. These characteristics are often observed together in the relatively rare LBV class of stars, of which only 20 are known in the Galaxy. The key to the new classification is the fact that we compute a new distance and extinction that yield a luminosity significantly in excess of those for post-AGB PPNe, for which the initial masses are M. Assuming single star evolution, we estimate an initial mass of 40 M.
E-ISSN: 1538-4357
ISSN: 0004-637X
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