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Título : Resonance frequency dependence on out-of-plane forces for square silicon membranes: Applications to a MEMS gradiometer
Autor : Lucas, I.
Del Real, R. P.
Díaz Michelena, M.
De Manuel, V.
Duch, M.
Esteve, J.
Plaza, J. A.
Palabras clave : Silicon;Resonance Frequency;Finite Element Method;Magnetic Field Gradiometer
Fecha de publicación : 12-sep-2010
Editorial : Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2010.07.012
Versión del Editor: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0924424710003213
Citación : Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 163(1): 75-81(2010)
Resumen : The dynamic properties of membranes have been object of many researches since they can be used as sensor heads in different devices. Some methods have been proposed to solve the problem of determining the resonance frequencies and their dependence on the stress caused by forces applied on the membrane surface. The problem of the vibrating rectangular membrane under a stress caused by a uniform in-plane force is well known. However, the resonance frequency behaviour when the force is out-of-plane instead of in-plane, is not so well understood and documented. A gradiometer which uses a silicon square membrane with a magnet fixed on it as a sensor head has been developed in a previous work. This device reports a quadratic dependence of the frequency on the out-of-plane magnetic force. In this work, simulations to obtain the dependence of the frequency of the fundamental flexural mode on the stress have been performed. It has been studied the influence of in-plane and out-of-plane forces applied to the membrane. As expected, a square root dependence has been found for in-plane forces. Nevertheless, the problem is more complex when out-of-plane forces are considered. Out-of-plane forces give rise to an initial quadratic dependence which turns into a square root dependence from a certain stress value. The quadratic range increases and the rate of change of the frequency decreases as the surface of the magnet fixed on the membrane increases. The study has addressed these problems and both, experimental and simulated results have been compared and a good agreement between experimental and simulated results has been found.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/655
ISSN : 0924-4247
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