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Título : A Sol–Gel based magneto-optical device for the NANOSAT space mission
Autor : Zayat, M.
Pardo, R.
Rosa, G.
Del Real, R. P.
Díaz Michelena, M.
Arruego, I.
Guerrero, H.
Levy, D.
Palabras clave : Space Applications;Magneto Optical Nanosensor;Sol Gel
Fecha de publicación : 31-mar-2009
Editorial : Springer Link
DOI: 10.1007/s10971-009-1953-y
Versión del Editor: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10971-009-1953-y
Citación : Journal fo Sol-Gel Science and Technology 50: 254-259(2009)
Resumen : On December 2004, the Spanish Space Agency INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial) launched the first nanosatellite called NANOSAT (Fig. 1) on board an European rocket Ariane 5, from the French Guyana. The satellite consists of a hexagonal device of <19 kg of weight with a diameter of about 50 cm, which describes a LEO orbit of 655 km of altitude. The main objective of the satellite is to probe the operation and performance of micro- and nanotechnologies in space environment. One of the scientific experiments implemented on board was the Sol–Gel based magnetic nanosensor.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/661
E-ISSN : 1573-4846
ISSN : 0928-0707
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