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Título : Analysis and Performance of Lumped-Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors for W-Band
Autor : Aja, B.
De Ory, M. C.
De la Fuente, L.
Artal, E.
Pascual, J. P.
Teresa Magaz, M.
Granados, D.
Gómez, A.
Palabras clave : Silicon;Strips;Detectors;Superconducting microwave devices;Resonators;Substrates;Inductance
Fecha de publicación : 3-ene-2021
Editorial : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2020.3038777
Versión del Editor: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9279269
Citación : IEEE Transactions on Microwaves Theory and Techniques 69(1): 578-589(2021)
Resumen : Lumped-element superconducting resonators are a promising technology for their use in millimeter-wave observations and quantum computing applications that require large arrays of extremely sensitive detectors. Among them, lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs) have shown good performance in the submillimeter band in several earth-based telescopes. In this work, LEKIDs for their use as millimeter-wave receivers of astronomical applications are presented. LEKID arrays using a thin bilayer of superconducting titanium/aluminum (Ti/Al), deposited on the silicon substrate, have been designed and fabricated. The design of a dual-polarization LEKID with the goal of detection at the W-band for two orthogonal polarizations is described and a fabricated array has demonstrated absorption at ambient temperature. Also, an approximate design methodology of the coupling parameter for LEKIDs' readout, essential for dynamic range optimization of the detector under millimeter-wave radiation, is proposed. In addition, the resonance characteristics and coupling factor of the fabricated superconducting resonators using high-quality internal factor Q i under cryogenic temperatures have been analyzed. The design guidelines in this work are applicable to other LEKID arrays, and the presented superconducting Ti/Al thin-film LEKIDs can be used in future receiver arrays in the millimeter bands.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/681
E-ISSN : 1557-9670
ISSN : 0018-9480
Aparece en las colecciones: (CAB) Artículos

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