Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 17 de 17
Derechos | Vista previa | Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
|  | 1-feb-2024 | Design Process and Advanced Manufacturing of an Aquatic Surface Vehicle Hull for the Integration of a Hydrogen Power Plant Propulsion System | Renau Martínez, Jordi; García Peñas, Víctor; Ibáñez Arnal, Manuel; Giménez Sancho, Alberto; López González, E.; García Magariño, A.; Terroba, F.; Moreno Ayerbe, Francisco Javier; Sánchez López, Fernando |
| | 15-dic-2023 | Study of the transverse strain effect on the Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor (FBGS) response with polyimide coating under experimental biaxial tests | Martínez Vicente, Juan Luis; González Gallego, Manuel; Terroba, F.; Frövel, M.; López Cela, Juan José |
|  | 7-ago-2024 | Practical Design of a Low-Cost Icing Wind Tunnel for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Testing in a Limited Space | Plaza del Pino, Juan Carlos; Terroba, F.; García Magariño, A.; Atienza, R.; Mora Nogués, Julio |
|  | 15-sep-2024 | Thermal expansion calculation using FBGS in cryogenic applications | González del Val, Miguel; Martínez Olmo, José Manuel; Terroba, F.; Cabrerizo, F.; Turon, Albert; Renart, J.; Frövel, M. |
|  | 8-nov-2022 | A particle image velocimetry investigation of the flow field close to a heave plate for models of different scales | Saettone, Simone; Molinelli Fernández, E.; Soriano Gómez, C.; Saavedra Ynocente, Leandro; Duque Campayo, D.; Souto Iglesias, A.; Marón Loureiro, Adolfo |
|  | 27-abr-2024 | Fiber bragg gratings sensor strain–optic behavior with different polymeric coatings subjected to transverse strain | González Gallego, Manuel; Terroba, F.; Martínez Vicente, Juan Luis; González del Val, Miguel; López Cela, Juan José; Frövel, M. |
|  | 11-ene-2019 | Aerodynamic Flow Effects on Aircraft Carrier Takeoff Performance | Bardera, Rafael; García Magariño, A.; Rodríguez Sevillano, A.; Barcala Montejano, M. Á. |
|  | 16-nov-2020 | Aerodynamic optimization over frigate helicopter flight deck by Hangar shape modifications | Bardera, Rafael; Matías García, J. C.; García Magariño, A. |
|  | 12-oct-2020 | Balance measurements on a frigate type ship model | Bardera, Rafael; García Magariño, A. |
|  | 28-jun-2023 | Micro/Bubble drag reduction focused on new applications | García Magariño, A.; López Gavilan, Pablo; Sor, Suthyvann; Terroba, F. |
|  | 2-jun-2022 | Monotorización de la salud estructural de un material compuesto mediante sensores FBGS | González Gallego, Manuel; Martínez Vicente, Juan Luis; Terroba, F.; Frövel, M. |
|  | 15-abr-2021 | Monitorización estructural del RPAS MILANO en la fase de ensayos en vuelo | Frövel, Malte; Terroba, F.; Plaza, J. C.; Cabezas, J.; Güemes, A.; García Ramírez, J.; Reyes, E.; Fernández, A. |
|  | 19-jul-2021 | Ensayos biaxiales sobre sensores de fibra óptica basados en redes de Bragg | González Gallego, Manuel; Terroba, F.; Frövel, Malte; Moravec, C.; Martínez Vicente, Juan Luis; Serna, M. C. |
|  | 18-ene-2021 | Los materiales compuestos en el ICTS-CEHIPAR | Martínez Vicente, Juan Luis; González Gallego, Manuel; Terroba, F.; Frövel, Malte; Valle, Jesús; De la Rosa, J. C.; Serna, M. C. |
|  | 28-ene-2019 | Scale Effects on Heave Plates for Semi-Submersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbines: Case Study With a Solid Plain Pla | Bezunartea Barrio, A.; Fernández Ruano, S.; Marón Loureiro, Adolfo; Molinelli Fernández, E.; Moreno Burón, F.; Oria Escudero, J.; Ríos Tubio, J.; Soriano Gómez, C.; López Pavón, C.; Souto Iglesias, A.; Valea Peces, Álvaro |
|  | 2020 | Scale Effects in Heave Plates: PIV Investigation | Anglada Revenga, E.; Bezunartea Barrio, A.; Marón Loureiro, Adolfo; Molinelli Fernández, E.; Oria Escudero, J.; Saavedra Ynocente, Leandro; Soriano Gómez, C.; Duque Campayo, D.; Gómez Goni, J.; Souto Iglesias, A. |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 17 de 17