Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/856
Título : Sensitivity evaluation method for aerospace digital systems with collaborative hardening
Autor : Portela García, M.
García Valderas, M.
San Milán, E.
López Ongil, C.
Entrena, Luis
Martín Ortega, A.
De Mingo, J. R.
Rodríguez, Santiago
Palabras clave : Aerospace applications;Collaborative hardening;Radiation sensitivity;Single event upset
Fecha de publicación : 15-jun-2011
Editorial : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2011.2109397
Versión del Editor: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5722067
Citación : IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58(3): 1053 - 1058(2011)
Resumen : Complexity of current digital systems and circuits involves new challenges in the field of hardening and measuring circuit's sensitivity under SEEs. In this work, a new solution for evaluating the SEU sensitivity of space systems based on using programmable logic devices is proposed. This solution is able to perform a deep analysis of fault effects in systems with hardware functionality distribution, taking into account the high complexity of the hardware nodes (complex programmable logic devices) and their collaborative hardening properties.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/856
E-ISSN : 1558-1578
ISSN : 0018-9499
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