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Título : Optical wireless links for intra-satellite communications: reflection models and hardware optimization
Autor : Tamayo, R.
Alonso, José
Jiménez, J. J.
Arruego, I.
Guerrero, H.
Palabras clave : Inter connection;Channels;Satellites;Aerospace materials;Band pass filter
Fecha de publicación : 23-may-2010
Editorial : Aerospace Research Central
DOI: 10.2514/1.30271
Versión del Editor: https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/10.2514/1.30271
Citación : Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication 7(3): 118-133(2010)
Resumen : The present work is a study on the propagation channel (physical layer) for wireless infrared communications in intra-satellite environments. Substituting cables and connectors with optical links inside a spaceborn platform offers many advantages and represents some technical challenges. We show analytical calculations, simulations, and experimental results for reflection models for aerospace materials, as well as wavelength division multiple access techniques for channel multiplexing. Improvements in the selection and optimization of emitter-detector pairs are also presented.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/857
ISSN : 1940-3151
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