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Título : Assessment of Spectrally Matched Cells
Autor : Gras, Ana
Barber, Christopher
Baur, Carsten
Palabras clave : PV measurements;Solar simulator reference;Cell spectral match
Fecha de publicación : 2-oct-2023
Editorial : AESS
Versión del Editor: https://ieee-aess.org/event/conference/2023-13th-european-space-power-conference
Citación : IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society 13th European Space Power Conference
Resumen : The spectral matching criterion for solar cells is crucial for photovoltaic (PV) measurements under simulated sunlight because it helps reducing the uncertainty due to the spectral mismatch correction. It is common practice in both terrestrial and space PV communities to identify spectrally matched cells as those having spectral responsivities identical or at least very similar to each other. A quantitative definition and evaluation of spectrally matched cells is made in this document.
Descripción : Ana Gras ; Christopher Barber ; Carsten Baur
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/947
Aparece en las colecciones: (Espacio) Comunicaciones de Congresos

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