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dc.rights.license© IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Societyes
dc.contributor.authorMartínez de Olcoz, A.es
dc.contributor.authorJüngst, G.es
dc.contributor.authorBarber, Christopheres
dc.contributor.authorGras, Anaes
dc.contributor.authorBaur, Carstenes
dc.descriptionA. Martínez de Olcoz ; G. Jüngst ; Christopher Barber ; Ana Gras ; Carsten Baur.es
dc.description.abstractMissions close to the sun such as BepiColombo or Venus Express always require dedicated testing of solar cells since they operate under non-standard conditions, i.e., High Temperature High Intensity (HTHI). The next mission that falls into the category of HTHI ESA mission is EnVision to Venus, which – in case it will be adopted – is planned to launch in the early 2030s. The space solar cells destined for the PV solar generator are expected to operate at sun intensities of 2 suns and most probably in the temperature range of 130°C-140°C. At INTA-SPASOLAB the temperature coefficient of two cell candidates for the PV solar generator of the ESA EnVision mission, which are a quadruple junction and a triple junction solar cell, have already been determined at 1 sc-AM0 within the range from +25ºC to +100ºC.es
dc.description.sponsorshipThe performed cell testing activity has been done under the frame of ESA contract No. 4000139757.es
dc.publisherIEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society 13th European Space Power Conference 2023es
dc.subjectElectrical performancees
dc.subjectHigh temperaturees
dc.subjectHigh intensityes
dc.subjectSpectral mismatches
dc.subjectCorrection multijunction deviceses
dc.subjectTemperature coefficientses
dc.titleElectrical performance results of multi-junction space solar cells under high temperature high intensity environmental conditionses
Aparece en las colecciones: (Espacio) Comunicaciones de Congresos

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