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Título : In-flight calibration of the MEDA-TIRS instrument onboard NASA's Mars2020 mission
Autor : Sebastián, E.
Martínez, Germán M.
Ramos, Miguel
Smith, Michael D.
Peinado, V.
Mora Sotomayor, L.
Lemmon, M. T.
Vicente Retortillo, Álvaro
De Lucas Veguillas, Javier
Ferrándiz, R.
Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.
Palabras clave : Mars;Mars 2020;Spacecraft IR radiometer;In-flight calibration;Detector modeling and algorithm;Calibration uncertainty
Fecha de publicación : 9-nov-2024
Editorial : Elsevier
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.11.015
Versión del Editor: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0094576524006623?via%3Dihub
Citación : Acta Astronautica 226: 791-802(2024)
Resumen : This article describes a novel procedure and algorithm used for the in-flight calibration of the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) onboard the Mars 2020 mission. The purpose is to recalibrate the responsivity of TIRS’ IR detectors as they degrade following surface operations and exposure to harsh environmental conditions. Using data from in-flight calibration campaigns conducted through sol 800 of this mission, we report the time evolution of the responsivity for the different IR detectors, as well as the final performance achieved by the algorithm in the real operating environment. Moreover, we analyzed changes in responsivity as a function of TIRS geometric design and environmental factors, e.g., detector orientation, direct exposure to prevailing winds and solar radiation, electrostatic properties of the detector filter, and atmospheric dust concentration. We concluded that dust deposition on the detectors' filter during landing, and later during operation is the most likely cause of the degradation observed in the various channels, with gravitational sedimentation and the capacity of the filters to accumulate electrostatic charge being key factors. The relative and absolute degradation of the TIRS is similar to those reported by other Martian missions and instruments with similar orientations, and to date, it has shown no signs of cleaning after more than a year on the surface of Mars. Accounting for changes in responsivity during the mission is critical to maintaining the reliability of TIRS measurements, which will later be made available in NASA's Planetary Data System for the benefit of the scientific community.
Descripción : Highlights In-flight calibration of the MEDA-TIRS radiometer onboard the Mars 2020 mission. Novel procedure and algorithm for recalibration of IR detectors responsivity. Report of responsivity changes and evolution along the first 800 sol of the mission. Gravitational sedimentation of dust is the most probable cause of degradation. Accounting for responsivity changes is critical to maintain the reliability of TIRS.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/960
ISSN : 0094-5765
Aparece en las colecciones: (Calib.) Artículos

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