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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 17 de 17
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In-flight calibration of the MEDA-TIRS instrument onboard NASA Mars2020.pdf.jpg9-nov-2024In-flight calibration of the MEDA-TIRS instrument onboard NASA's Mars2020 missionSebastián, E.; Martínez, Germán M.; Ramos, Miguel; Smith, Michael D.; Peinado, V.; Mora Sotomayor, L.; Lemmon, M. T.; Vicente Retortillo, Álvaro; De Lucas Veguillas, Javier; Ferrándiz, R.; Rodríguez Manfredi, J. A.
Measurement, validation and uncertainty of an experimental procedure to Characterize the size-of-source effect of radiation thermometers, in the framework of an industrial calibration laboratory.pdf.jpg28-oct-2022Measurement, Validation and Uncertainty of an Experimental Procedure to Characterize the Size-of-Source Effect of Radiation Thermometers, in the Framework of an Industrial Calibration LaboratoryDe Lucas Veguillas, Javier
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg7-abr-2023Geometrical and thermal optimization of cylinder-conical blackbody cavities to uniform radiance temperature profiles in the infraredDe Lucas Veguillas, Javier; Segovia, José Juan
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg15-sep-2020Aperturas efectivas en calibración y comparación de termómetros de radiaciónDe Lucas Veguillas, Javier
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg24-mar-2018Measurement and analysis of the temperature gradient of blackbody cavities, for use in radiation thermometryDe Lucas Veguillas, Javier; Segovia, José Juan
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg15-oct-2015A simple geometrical model for calculation of the effective emissivity in blackbody cylindrical cavitiesDe Lucas Veguillas, Javier
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg3-ago-2015Validation of a geometrical model for the calculation of the integrated effective emissivity of conical cavities with a lidDe Lucas Veguillas, Javier
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg30-dic-2015Uncertainty calculation of the effective emissivity of cylinder-conical blackbody cavitiesDe Lucas Veguillas, Javier; Segovia, José Juan
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg8-jul-2022A subcell FDTD Scheme implementation for thin slot modelingCabello, M. R.; Martín Valverde, A. J.; Plaza Gallardo, B.; Frövel, M.; Poyatos Martínez, D.; Rubio Bretones, Amelia; González García, S.
Uncertainty in the calibration transfer of solar irradiance scale, from absolute cavity radiometers to standard pyrheliometers.pdf.jpg2-abr-2022Uncertainty in the Calibration Transfer of Solar Irradiance Scale: From Absolute Cavity Radiometers to Standard PyrheliometersBalenzategui, José Lorenzo; Molero García, María; Silva, José Pedro; Fabero, Fernando; Cuenca, José; Mejuto, Eduardo; De Lucas Veguillas, Javier
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg12-ago-2022Characterization of absolute cavity radiometers for traceability to SI of solar irradianceBalenzategui, José Lorenzo; De Lucas Veguillas, Javier; Cuenca, José; González Leiton, Ana María; Molero García, María; Fabero, Fernando; Silva, José Pedro; Mejuto, Eduardo; Muñoz, R.; Arce, A.
Indice-ActasVIConcreso_DESEI_2018.pdf.jpg3-oct-2018Investigación del efecto del tamaño de la fuente en equipos de termografía infrarroja y termómetros de radiaciónDe Lucas Veguillas, Javier; Alonso, S.; Bernal, M.; Ángeles Sierra, M.; Macías, R.
Randon transport events associated with the impact of a NORM repository in the SW of Europe.pdf.jpg13-ago-2021Radon transport events associated with the impact of a NORM repository in the SW of EuropeGutiérrez Álvarez, I.; Guerrero, J. L.; Martín, J. E.; Adame, J. A.; Vargas, A.; Bolívar, J. P.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg16-oct-2011The Calibration of Data Loggers for the Characterization of Sterilization AutoclavesBenyon, R.; De Lucas Veguillas, Javier; Elvira, Gregorio; Fuentes, H.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg21-jun-2014Evaluation of a Portable Apparatus for the Realization of the Triple Point of ArgonDe Lucas Veguillas, Javier; Benyon, R.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg22-oct-2011Practical Calibration of Platinum Resistance Thermometers in the Range −190 °C to 0 °CDe Lucas Veguillas, Javier; Benyon, R.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg25-jun-2014Numerical optimization of the radial dependence of effective emissivity in blackbody cylindrical cavitiesDe Lucas Veguillas, Javier
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 17 de 17