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Title: Vacuum tribological behaviour of self-lubricating quasicrystalline composite coatings
Authors: García de Blas, F. J.
Román, A.
De Miguel, C.
Longo, Federico
Muelas Gamo, Raúl
Agüero, A.
Keywords: quasicrystalline alloys;composite powder;self-lubricating coatings;vacuum pin-on-disc test;HVOF;friction;wear
Issue Date: 9-Mar-2006
Publisher: Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/tt.3020110203
Published version:
Citation: Tribotest 11: 103-111(2006)
Abstract: High-temperature-resistant self-lubricating coatings are needed in space vehicles for components that operate at high temperatures and/or under vacuum. Thick composite lubricant coatings containing quasicrystalline alloys as the hard phase for wear resistance can be deposited by a thermal spray technique. The coatings also contain lubricating materials (silver and BaF2CaF2 eutectic) and NiCr as the tough component. This paper describes the vacuum tribological properties of TH103, a coating of this type, with a very good microstructural quality. The coating was deposited by high-velocity oxygen fuel spraying and tested under vacuum using a pin-on-disc tribometer. Different loads, linear speeds, and pin materials were studied. The pin scars and disc wear tracks were characterised using a combination of scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry. A minimum mean steady friction coefficient of 0.32 was obtained when employing an X750 Ni superalloy pin in vacuum conditions under 10 N load and 15 cm/s linear speed, showing moderate wear of the disc and low wear of the pin.
E-ISSN: 1557-685X
ISSN: 1354-4063
Appears in Collections:(Aeronáutica) Artículos

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