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Title: Behaviour of coated and uncoated ferritic steels under isothermal and cyclic steam oxidation conditions
Authors: Agüero, A.
González, Vanessa
Gutiérrez, M.
Keywords: power plant;maintenance, boilers;machinery;equipment;inspection;monitoring;condition;life;performance;risk;reliability
Issue Date: 14-Jun-2007
Publisher: VTT
Published version:
Citation: VTT SYMPOSIUM/VII Báltica Conference Helsinki/Stockholm/Helsinki 12-14 June, 2007
Abstract: Next generation steam turbines are expected to operate at 600-650°C and at these temperatures, currently available high strength ferritic-martensitic steels need to be coated to prevent oxidation. Slurry deposited aluminide coatings have shown excellent performance up to 650°C under isothermal conditions. The behaviour of these coatings as well as that of uncoated P92 under thermal cycling conditions has been studied both in steam and in air at 650°C. The tested specimens were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy. A comparison with isothermal steam oxidation has been established. In cyclic oxidation, evidence of scale spallation from uncoated substrates was observed at shorter exposure times than for specimens tested under isothermal conditions. In the coated specimens, cracks originally present in the "as deposited" coating did not propagate or become sites of preferential oxidation during isothermal steam testing. However, the cracks widened and propagated causing substrate oxidation when the specimens were tested by thermal cycling in steam or in air.
Description: BALTICA VII. International Conference on Life Management and Main-tenance for Power Plants, Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki, June 12-14, 2007. This is one of the two volumes of the proceedings of the BALTICA VII Conference. The Conference aims to review recent experience, new technology and views on future developments for supporting successful, safe and productive operation of power plants.
ISBN: 9789513863180 / 978-9513863173
ISSN: 0357-9387
Appears in Collections:(Aeronáutica) Comunicación de Congresos

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