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Título : Long exposure steam oxidation testing and mechanical properties of slurry aluminide coatings for steam turbine components
Autor : Agüero, A.
Muelas Gamo, Raúl
Pastor Muro, Ana
Osgerby, Steve
Fecha de publicación : 21-nov-2005
Editorial : Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2005.07.080
Versión del Editor: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0257897205007784
Citación : Surface and Coatings Technology 200: 1219-1224(2005)
Resumen : Important efforts to develop new steels or to protect high creep strength steels in order to allow operation of steam turbines at 650 °C are being carried out world-wide to increase efficiency. Within the European Project “SUPERCOAT” (Coatings for Supercritical Steam Cycles), work has been concentrated in the development of coatings to withstand 50,000–100,000 h of operation at 650 °C under high pressure steam. Aluminide coatings on ferritic–martensitic steels produced by applying an Al slurry followed by a diffusion heat treatment, have shown to be protective at 650 °C under steam for at least 32,000 h of laboratory steam exposure under atmospheric pressure. Although the “as diffused” coatings present through thickness cracks, these do not propagate during exposure to steam or thermal cycling and no new cracks seem to develop. Moreover, no changes in residual stresses could be observed after thermal cycling. Microstructural characterization of samples at different periods of exposures has been carried out by SEM-EDS and XRD. The principal mechanism of coating degradation is loss of Al at the surface due to inwards diffusion. Microhardness as well as Young's modulus and fracture strength were measured using well established techniques. The coatings show reasonable ductility (∼1.6%) when stressed in tension between room temperature and 400 °C which further increases at higher temperatures providing evidence that the coatings should withstand the mechanical conditions likely to be encountered in service.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/966
ISSN : 1879-3347
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