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Title: Al Slurry Coatings for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Separator Plates
Authors: Agüero, A.
García, M. C.
Muelas Gamo, Raúl
Sánchez, A.
Pérez, Francisco J.
Duday, David
Hierro, M. P.
Gómez, Consuelo
Keywords: Ai Slurry coating;Alloy;Fuel Cell (FC);Hot Corrosion;Molten Carbonate
Issue Date: 20-Jan-2001
Publisher: Scientific.Net
DOI: 10.4028/
Published version:
Citation: Materials Science Forum: 369-372(2001)
Abstract: The corrosion behaviour of Al slurry coated AISI 310 stainless steel, with and without diffusion heat treatment, was investigated as a wet seal material for molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) at 650°C. The results were compared with IVD Al coated AISI 310. Characterization of the samples before and after exposure to the eutectic 62 mol% Li2CO3-38 mol% K2CO3 mixture at 650°C for 1000 h by SEM-EDS and XRD was carried out. The presence of LiAlO2 on the coated samples was confirmed by XRD. The slurry Al-coated stainless steels performed at least as well as the IVD Al coating.
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