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Título : Metagenomic analysis of the microbial community at the Riutort oil shale mine (NE Spain): Potential applications in bioremediation and enhanced oil recovery
Autor : González Toril, Elena
Permanyer, Albert
Gallego, José R.
Márquez, Gonzalo
Lorenzo, Erica
Aguilera, Á.
Palabras clave : Riutort microbial consortium;Hydrocarbon-degraders;16S rRNA sequencing;Bioremediation;MEOR
Fecha de publicación : 10-oct-2023
Editorial : Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.128609
Versión del Editor: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S001623612301222X
Citación : Fuel 349: 128609 (2023)
Resumen : Preservation of the environment of the Riutort oil shale mine for more than a century has favored the presence of a paradigmatic ecosystem of oil-degrading microorganisms. After extensive sampling and analysis by 16S rRNA sequencing, a marked prokaryotic community comprising diverse groups of bacteria (genus such as Methylobacter, Thiothrix, and Desulfobacca) and archaea (e.g., Methanobrevibacter genus) with hydrocarbon-degrading activity was found. Aerobic microorganisms were predominant in several samples but facultative microorganisms were also present, and there was an interesting transition to strict anaerobic conditions in some areas. One of the samples contained oil degrading aerobic bacteria such as Pseudomonas spp. and Brevundimonas spp. Of the microbes studied, we conducted a laboratory assessment of the capacity of this specific consortium for bioremediation of petroleum-polluted soil and microbial enhanced oil recovery processes. To this end, we used oily sludge-contaminated soil from La Libertad Refinery and cores from the Ancón Field, respectively, both sites in southwestern Ecuador. The Riutort consortium degraded 50.8% of total petroleum hydrocarbons, 64.2% of saturates, 41.3% of aromatics, and 37.4% of polar compounds after a 60-day incubation using oily sludge as the sole source of carbon. The performance of this consortium reflects its notable potential for bioremediation purposes. In turn, flooding with the natural Riutort consortium and its metabolites achieved a 7.2% (v/v) incremental recovery of crude oil through a sand-pack assay. These results are comparable to those reported using synthetic bacterial consortia, and thus reveal the great interest of the study seepages, not only for understanding microbial activities in oil degradation but also their use in biotechnological applications.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/1026
E-ISSN : 873-7153
ISSN : 0016-2361
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