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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 11 de 11
DerechosVista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
5-nov-1998Tribolab: An experiment on space tribologyGómez Elvira, J.; Oñate, J. Ignacio; Marcos, J.; Rowntree, R.; Agüero, A.
Quasicrystalline Materials as Thermal Barrier and Hot Corrosion Resistant Coatings (1999).pdf.jpg20-oct-1999Quasicrystalline Materials as Thermal Barrier and Hot Corrosion Resistant CoatingsAgüero, A.; Álvarez, J.; García de Blas, F. J.; Sánchez, A.; Villar, I.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg12-sep-2002Coatings For Steam Power Plants Under Advanced ConditionsAgüero, A.; Muelas Gamo, Raúl; Scarlin, B.; Knodler, Reinhard
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg25-ago-2004Cyclic Oxidation of Steam Pre-oxidized MCrAlY and Ni Aluminide CoatingsAgüero, A.; Román Gárate, Alicia; Gutiérrez, Marcos
LatestResultsintheDevelopmentofSteamResistantSlurryCoatingsforeNewGenerationHighTemperatureSupercriticalSteamPlants2007.pdf.jpg12-mar-2006Latest Results in the Development of Steam Resistant Coatings for New Generation High Temperature Supercritical Steam PlantsAgüero, A.; Muelas Gamo, Raúl; Gutiérrez, Marcos
Development and Validation of Advanced Oxidation Protective Coatings (2006).pdf.jpg6-jul-2006Development and Validation of Advanced Oxidation Protective Coatings for Super Critical Steam Power Generation PlantsScheefer, M.; Bernard Henderson, Michael; Agüero, A.; Allcock, B.; Norton, B.; Tsipas, D. N.; Durham, R.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg6-mar-2002Characterization of Tribological Quasicrystalline Composite CoatingsRomán, A.; Agüero, A.; De Miguel, C.; García de Blas, F. J.; Longo, Federico; Muelas Gamo, Raúl; Sánchez, A.
Coatings for protection of high temperature new generation steam plant componentes a review (2006).pdf.jpg6-abr-2006Coatings for Protection of High Temperature New Generation Steam Plant Components: A ReviewAgüero, A.
Behaviour of coated and uncoated ferritic steels under isothermal and cyclic steam oxidation conditions (2007).pdf.jpg14-jun-2007Behaviour of coated and uncoated ferritic steels under isothermal and cyclic steam oxidation conditionsAgüero, A.; González, Vanessa; Gutiérrez, M.
acceso-restringido.pdf.jpg5-may-1998Applications of Quasicrystalline materials as Thermal Barriers in Aeronautics and Future Perspective ofUse for these MaterialsSánchez, A.; García de Blas, F. J.; Algaba, J. M.; Álvarez, J.; Vallés González, Pilar; García Poggio, M. C.; Agtiero, A.
5.0085763.pdf.jpg12-may-2022RAISELIFE project extends the lifetime of functional CSP materialsSutter, Florian; Binyamin, Yaniv; Zoschke, T.; Fernández García, Aránzazu; Naamane, S.; Galetz, M.; Reoyo Prats, R.; Pérez Trujillo, Francisco Javier; Aglüro, Alina; Orioli, F.; Piron, Javier; Mandler, D.; Attout, A.; Caron, Simon; Wette, J.; Sánchez, Ricardo; Morales, Angel; Hildebrandt, C.
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 11 de 11