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Título : New Benchmark Radar Targets for Scattering Analysis and Electromagnetic Software Validation
Autor : Escot Bocanegra, D.
Poyatos Martínez, D.
Fernández Recio, R.
Jurado Lucena, A.
Montiel, I.
Fecha de publicación : 14-may-2008
Editorial : The EM Academy
DOI: doi:10.2528/PIER08102201
Versión del Editor: http://www.jpier.org/PIER/pier.php?paper=08102201
Citación : Progress in Electromagnetics Research 88: 39-52
Resumen : A validation process, in which simulations and measurements are compared, is necessary to have confidence in the results obtained by numerical methods that solve scattering problems. This paper presents Radar Cross Section (RCS) measurements of new targets suitable for electromagnetic software comparison and validation. These measurements can be used as an RCS reference data for testing existing and future codes, as well as for the analysis of the scattering mechanisms.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/810
ISSN : 1070-4698
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