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Title: Comparison of Facilities for Low Level Coupling Tests in UAV EMC Certification
Authors: Fernández Romero, S.
Escot Bocanegra, D.
Poyatos Martínez, D.
Añón Cancela, M.
López Rodríguez, P.
Keywords: UAV EMC Certification;Unmanned aerial vehicles;Electromagnetic compatibility regulation;Aircraft low level coupling tests;Low level direct drive;Open area test site
Issue Date: 30-Nov-2017
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.23919/AMTAP.2017.8123703
Published version:
Citation: Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA) 2017
Abstract: The rise in the utilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the last years has also brought concerns in terms of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) regulation of these platforms. Depending on the nature and operations of the UAVs, they are being required to go through the same processes than an aircraft EMC certification of aircraft involves a wide variety of tests. This paper deals with two aircraft low level coupling tests, namely, Low Level Direct Drive (LLDD) and Low Level Swept Fields (LLSF) and compares the results obtained in two different sites. On one hand, an Open Area Test Site (OATS) will be employed and, on the other hand, a Reverberation Chamber (RC) will be the other facility examined. The object under test will be a representative part of an UAV.
E-ISSN: 2474-2740
ISSN: 2380-1840
Appears in Collections:(Espacio) Artículos
(Espacio) Comunicaciones de Congresos

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