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Title: A novel induction-based device for the measurement of the complex magnetic susceptibility
Authors: Díaz Michelena, M.
Mesa Uña, José Luis
Pérez jiménez, M.
Maicas Ramos, M. C.
Cobos Arribas, P.
Hernández Ros, C. A.
Keywords: Magnetometric device;Portable suscetometer;Inductive device;Magnetic susceptibility;Inductive methods;Inductive devices;Magnetic surveys;Magnetic characterization;Susceptometer
Issue Date: 13-Aug-2017
Publisher: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2017.07.015
Published version:
Citation: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 263: 471-479(2017)
Abstract: A device named magnetic susceptometer for a complete determination of the magnetic complex susceptibility of materials and minerals has been conceived and manufactured as a complement for the in situ characterization of rocks during high resolution magnetic prospections. In this work a device and its capabilities for susceptibility measurements are described, the calibration performed with artificial samples, and the values of real and imaginary susceptibility of natural samples in a range comprising: χ = 10−4 to 10−7 [SI], representative of Earth and also Mars rocks.
Description: Novel methodology to characterise the complex susceptibility, which is a real problem not only for in situ surveys but at laboratory level. New research that influences the direction of applied physics: description of the development of a prototype based on a new methodology. Breakthrough concept using underlying classical physical principles: complex magnetic susceptibility and inductive instrumentation. Great application in many disciplines including fundamental physics, mining, geophysics, geology, engineering, oil industry, etc.
ISSN: 0924-4247
Appears in Collections:(Espacio) Artículos

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